Reitanna, also called the Kingdom of Reitanna, is a sovereign country, member of the Eurectipherian Union, is a social and democratic state of law and whose form of government is the parliamentary monarchy.
Its territory, with capital in Loughborough, is organized in seventeen autonomous communities.
History[edit | edit source]
Government and politics[edit | edit source]
Reitanna is a social and democratic state of law that has as its political form the parliamentary monarchy. National sovereignty resides in the Reitannan people, from whom the powers come from the state.
Powers[edit | edit source]
The head of state is the king. It arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the institutions and assumes the highest representation of kingdom of Reitanna in international relations, as well as symbolizing the unity and permanence of the nation. In any case, it has no initiative of its own in its political acts, given that it is not responsible for them and must always be endorsed by the competent political authority.
The executive power, as well as the regulatory power, are exercised by the government. The Council of Ministers is chaired by the President of the Government, who appoints his ministers and has the functions of a head of government in a parliamentary system. He is responsible before the General Courts.
Legislative power is exercised by the General Courts, supreme representative organ of the Reitannan people. The Courts is a bicameral parliament composed of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. General elections are held every four years by universal suffrage, in which Reitannans over the age of 18 are entitled to vote.
The judicial power is formed by the set of courts and tribunals. The judges are career officials whose peak is the National Court and the Supreme Court, the body except in matters of constitutional guarantees.