Media Corporation of Porowon hijack incidents

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In recent years, the Media Corporation of Porowon was repeatedly hijacked, mostly by opposition members, and that said hijacks are always considered "illegal". Most of these hijacks target George Wangjia and his policies, and often encourage his assassination.

February 2019 Zone free speech incident[edit | edit source]

On February 4, 2019, Zone was occupied ilegally by an unnamed clandestine television channel. The broadcast ran for about forty minutes and consisted primarily of a discussion between two opposition members and were talking about subjects that are not suitable for television according to the current government. They were later arrested by the Porowonian Justice Force for "violating the country's principles". It was later revealed that the name of the channel was "Television Free Porowon".

Television Great Scorria correspondents gathered the entire footage of the hijack.

Kotaro terrorist attack[edit | edit source]

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack, activist groups hacked the Media Corporation of Porowon's television channels to air a video named "DEMOCRACY or DEATH". For Ekushey, the Bengali-language channel, the interruption took place during the Azan.

The video, considered to be "extremely graphic" under George Wangjia's standards, ran for sixteen minutes. It begins with a brief, "unauthorized" biography of Wangjia, from his childhood to his presidency, and is followed by footage of the president of Porowon actively killing "culprits". Included within its footage was graphic killings and excessive blood, technically banned from Porowonian media.

Sierran content ban[edit | edit source]

Momo[edit | edit source]

On April 5, Channel 9 was broadcasting a drama. It was interrupted by a hijack group broadcasting a video (in English) related to the controversial Momo Challenge, however the target was George Wangjia, not the children. Among the phrases uttered by the hijacker (actually a Porowonian in exile living in Northulia) included "Momo is going to kill George Wangjia" and "obey Free Porowon".

Two days earlier, the creator of the video went to Porowon and the video in question was included on a pen drive. The hijack occurred at 9:55pm. He did leave Porowon in the same night, without having his pen drive confiscated, however a photo was leaked that included pornographical videos and the controversial short film Innocence of Porowonians. It is unknown whether or not the perpetrator will be jailed.

April 20 Zone free speech incident[edit | edit source]

On April 20, 2019, after Zone had shut down for the night, it broadcast a four-minute long video about the importance of free speech. Said organization was headquartered in Great Scorria and primarily relied on VPN-heavy usage of 4chan (de facto banned due to the Kotaro terrorist attacks). The video consisted primarily of a brief interview with controversial Peter Joro and his plan to assassinate all "impure" people, including George Wangjia and most of the ethnic Muslims and Kaizhungese within Porowon. The video was sent to TVGS where it was put up under analysis.

Zone is scheduled to close down on April 30. If a similar incident will occur in May, where the channel will simply broadcast a slide to inform viewers regarding the move of its contents to Channel 4, then the frequency will be deactivated earlier.