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Yawnaro is an overseas territory of Flarland. It was claimed by Flarland in the 19th century yet it became a separate entity after the dissolution of the Atlantean Ocean Fishmongers Society.

The island is a nominal monarchy under Flarlandian influence and control.

History[edit | edit source]

Ancient history[edit | edit source]

It is believed that human settlement started about 300 years after the arrival of the merpeople to Yawnaro and Wawata islands. They were mostly descendants of proto-Ashtalaics from what is now northern Vydoria, and were also the base of the first merpeople

Vydorian occupation[edit | edit source]

Like Eumoritown, Yawnaro was put up under Vydorian occupation until the AOFS arrived in the 19th century.

Autonomy[edit | edit source]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Yawnaro has two islands, Yawnaro and Wawata.

Population[edit | edit source]

Yawnaro has a population of 1.363, according to 2018 census data. The number has been decreasing in the 2000s but has noticed a steady increase. About 140 people accounting for Yawnaro's population are merpeople.

The highest population figure ever recorded was 1.662 in 1932, at the height of the property and exploitation age.

Transport[edit | edit source]

Government[edit | edit source]

Yawnaro's government is the most complex among Flarland's five overseas territories. Yawnaro is, like Eumoritown, an "overseas municipality", however unlike Eumoritown it is not divided. The governance is unique among Flarland and its territories, as it's led by a merman king, elected depending on willpower, due to their immortality. Few locals, however, are enabled to vote for Flarlandian elections and are all Flarlandian nationals.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Most of the Yawnaran economy is based on fishing and farming, with limited adventure tourism. This economic mix has been stable for the past 50 years, as little infrastructure or population is present to engage in higher levels of industrial or telecommunications activity.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Yawnaro is dominated by an ancient Ashtalaic culture, the Yawnaroan culture. The culture is one of the proto-Ashtalaic cultures that still exist.

Languages[edit | edit source]

English is official, however Yawnaroan, spoken by a few dozens (mainly merpeople), is recognized.

Media[edit | edit source]

The island has a weekly newspaper, The Yawnaro Sentry, run at an arms-length from the government.

The Yawnaro Radio Council operates radio and television services, yet there are still broadcasts from the neighboring Henleys.