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Vydoria (Vydorian: Vydoria), oficially the Vydorian Republic (Vydoras Republika) is a sovereign state in far western Eurectipheria, occupying the north-estern corner of the island of Ashtalaia. It nominally borders Flarland to the south and Omdalia to the east, but if the territory along the Four Corners of Ashtalaia border point is ommitted, then the Jeznogorian exclave of Pilva allows the country to border Ashtalaia.

The country is the largest in Ashtalaia but also has the smallest population, having 2.37 million in proper Vydoria territory according to 2021 estimates. If Jeznogoria was counted, then the country would have a population of 2.9 million.

History[edit | edit source]

2022-2023 crisis[edit | edit source]