UNIFE (Armandina)

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History[edit | edit source]

The UCKG started leasing time slots in the early 90s. Initially on channesl 2 and 4 in Sanhuezo, but it was on channel 4 that they got more slots.

Persecution from the UCKG was becoming evident in recent years, leading the UCKG to buy the frequencies of the former digital terrestrial channel TVF in 2022. These frequencies were auctioned off in 2021 and were seen as a business tactic by Edir Macedo. It is unknown who is the figurehead behind the channel.

Controversies[edit | edit source]

Operators blocking UNIFE[edit | edit source]

A number of operators have blocked UNIFE or openly boycotted it. The UCKG defends that its service must be must-carry, but due to its controversial past in Armandina, the regulators are against.