Timeline of The World of Atlantis
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Timeline of Atlantis in the Flarlandian/Hopelandian/Michillian book series The World of Atlantis.
This page is kinda outdated. I might update it on the dedicated wiki.
Before the Flood[edit | edit source]
- 76 BF: Atlantis records the first known living creatures, usually bears living in mountanous areas and many underwater animals.
- 74 BF: The first known human is born. However he was already adult by age.
- 65 BF: Atlantean humans start using rudimentary writing systems.
- 50 BF: What appear to be Triton's parents are born in a coastal area.
- 1 BF: There seems to be a prophecy being told that Atlantis will suffer massive changes in the following year, including a massive change of race, when a scientist had discovered a pattern.
First Centuries[edit | edit source]
- 1 January 0: The Flood. King Triton is born on this date and Atlantis changes. Much of the landmass fell to the waters upon King Triton's request. What used to be a large continental landmass has become a series of unconnected islands. The remaining landmasses follow a pattern of continental drift. All humans became merpeople. All animals are also subject to the rise of the mermaid gene, thus becoming meranimals. Even underwater creatures were subject to this, leading to strange creatures like the merfish. Many thought they wouldn't survive, but now that even the Atlantean oxygen had watery elements, the merpeople were able to breathe above the water. The first sign of meranimals was when a bear mistakenly ate a fish, before eventually becoming a merbear cub and later the father became one. Many Atlanteans believe that the years before the Flood were the Unfinished Century.
- July 0: It is known that the Atlanteans have started to develop a new way of living above the water by copying King Triton's underwater law to the surface world.
- 20 July 0: Harchakobor becomes the first organized kingdom of the new Atlantis.
- 6 December 0: As the first year ends, the estimated two million living above the water are celebrating their first anniversary as merpeople.
- September 9: Harchakobor annexes the Narcha Kingdom.
- 40: Nasghedamus is born in Shutokai.
- September 102: Kwesi, the first recorded Akan merman, is born.
- October 1, 181: Discussion is made in the Harchakobor Council over whether or not an annexation of Angharche is possible.
- January 14, 182: Angharche becomes a semi-autonomous kingdom in Harchakobor. Narcha becomes an autonomous kingdom too. Harchakobor becomes the Federation of Harchakobor Kingdoms.
- January 265: Harchakobor opens a trading post in the Rhetundan Kingdom.
Medieval Ages[edit | edit source]
- 600: Cora discovers a sea dragon (merdragon), a creature that, for centuries, was believed to be mythological.
- 634: Senya becomes a sovereign kingdom. The age of city-states is over following lessons that were learned by underwater kings.
- 939: The first book, Life One Millennium Ago, based on recollections of Atlantean life before the Flood, is published.
- 1034: The Water Breather, the supposedly legendary merdragon found four centures before, is known to be hidden in Shutokai.
Modern Atlantis[edit | edit source]
- 1371: AJ, a future famous Akan scientist, is born.
- 1373: Weto finds AJ and Serwaah.
- 1380: Roger Warley and Stewart Warley invent Atlantean film. They founded Warley Bros., although interest in the new medium was limited and was crude.
- 1385: Voice of Senya, the first Atlantean radio station, is founded and made its first broadcast by talking to nascent prodigy AJ.
- March 13, 1401: Senya conducts experimental television transmissions.
- March 20, 1401: AJ successfully clones an apple in order to prevent famines.
- 1403: Voice of Senya starts television transmissions. Interest in television is limited outside of Senya, and most of the workers were Hakki and Akan.
- 1420: The merlion becomes the symbol of Shutokai as means to expand international relations.
- 1425: Hatari, a games company, is set up in Shutokai. It competes against SEGA (similar to the IRL company of the same name).
- 1428: Shutokai opens its first casino, and the first gambling site to open in Atlantis in nearly four centuries.
- 1434: Opoddu Rockson becomes an international celebrity.
- 1436: Senya produces its first entertainment magazine, Graphic Showbiz.
Interception[edit | edit source]
- 1442: Scientists from Senya and the Rhetundan Commonwealth intercept communications from a Naran person, specifically the young Dr. Richard Loveford, in what equates to 1990 in Naran years. Among the communications there are references to legs.
- February 12, 1443: To prevent interception issues, the Surface World Assembly (SWA) is formed.
- 1444: A film similar to Disney's The Little Mermaid is released. In this film, a fictionalization of King Triton is skeptical about his daughter's desire of travelling to the surface world. However, unlike the Disney film, the main character's love interest goes to the underwater world and marries her, showing signs that women deserve their emancipation. In later years, the film got a whole new meaning, following further interceptions.
- 1445: Senya pioneers again in the field of technology by establishing an internet line between Senya and Shutokai.
- June 1445: SEGA releases Sonic Evenstar, a game similar to Sonic the Hedgehog IRL. Power Evenstar would eventually become the company mascot.
- October 1445: Using the internet lines, undersea kingdoms experiment an underwater equivalent called Interwet.
- 1446: An animated series based on The Little Mermaid premieres on SBS in Senya.
- 1451: In a Voice of Senya television program, local scientists including black Akan prodigy AJ talk about the supposed intercepted transmissions. These eventually are talked about worldwide, even by King Triton, who remains slightly skeptical.
- October 1, 1456: Dr. Richard Loveford successfully enters Atlantis by landing his teleporting machine on AJ's cloning and teleportation facilities.
- October 2, 1456: Dr. Richard Loveford is given a chance to explore part of Atlantis under AJ's orders. Most Atlanteans are shocked because of the human that started to appear as an investigator. There hasn't been a two-legged creature stepping into Atlantis for over fourteen and a half centuries, before King Triton's birth.
- October 3, 1456: Dr. Richard Loveford returns to his Hopelandian research facility and talks about his discovery. Atlanteans still remain skeptical.
- December 6, 1456: In his worldwide televised end of year speech, King Triton is still showing skepticism to Dr. Richard Loveford.
- January 1, 1457: Tension arose between the members of King Triton's court and the people seen by Richard's expedition.
- 1458: King Triton's skepticism towards humans is averted as kings from the largest underwater kingdoms found treasure from Atlantis before the flood in a hidden cave.
- January 24, 1460: Dr. Richard Loveford intercepts communications from Atlantis saying that there is a secret cure.
- 1468: A web quiz platform, Kahoot (similar to the IRL Nordlandian platform of the same name) launches in the Rhetundan Commonwealth. It quickly becomes well-heard of in Senya, particularly among the black people, who thought that the site's name had another meaning.