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A timeline of the general history of the world of Nara.

Old Ages[edit | edit source]

Prehistory to 5000 BC[edit | edit source]

About five billion years ago, Nara was formed. It took more than billion years, more 10 billion decades, to witness the first life forms under the water.

It's the end of the last great ice age. The continents are being separated and achieve their current forms. Men are starting to spread all over the world. The supposed "Atlantis" is among the affected areas, and one man in what is now northern Vydoria achieves immortality by becoming the first merman, starting the age of the merpeople.

Civilizations start emerging, the first notable one being in Mesopotamia, between the Lion and Dophrates rivers, in what is now Irat. Mesopotamia is considered to be the first great civilization in recorded history and contributed to the history and development of humans.

5000 to 2000 BC[edit | edit source]

2000 to 1000 BC[edit | edit source]

1000 to 1 BC[edit | edit source]

1 AC to 300 AC[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Jesus Christ is born in Jerusalem, currently divided between Asrael and Plenestine.
  • 33: Jesus Christ dies following the success Christianity. Less than two millennia later it's still one of the most-professed religions in the world.

Middle Ages[edit | edit source]

1401 to 1457[edit | edit source]

Modern Age[edit | edit source]

  • July 4, 1776: Flarland is created as a republic following the merger of several puppet kingdoms created by Nashlandian and Michillian settlers and the states controlled by loose republican movements. The unification of these territories led to the establishment of the Flarlandian state.
  • 1789: The United States of Sierra oficially declare their independence from Nashland.

Contemporary Age[edit | edit source]

1790 to 1816[edit | edit source]

1817 to 1830[edit | edit source]

1830 to 1860[edit | edit source]

1861 to 1899[edit | edit source]

1900 to 1915[edit | edit source]

1915 to 1919[edit | edit source]

1920 to 1939[edit | edit source]

  • 1922: The first World Cup is held in the Oro Republic, with eight teams taking part, seven of them being invited.

1940 to 1945[edit | edit source]

  • August 15, 1945: Orience surrenders, marking the end of WW2.

1946 to 1960[edit | edit source]

  • 1950: The Michillies renounce their control over Karasa after conflicts with the Catholic forces.

1961 to 1989[edit | edit source]

  • December 1, 1980: Pro Tect takes over South Arlesbury and installs a flash dictatorship.
  • 1984: A coup takes place in the Michillies deposing the Catholic administration.
  • November 1984: The first presidential elections under the multi-state system are held in the Michillies.

1990 to 1999[edit | edit source]

  • December 25, 1991: Arqapstan ceases to be a Soviet state, leading to the end of the USSR.

2000 to 2009[edit | edit source]

  • September 11, 2001: Amidst concerns over the start of a new international war (that didn't happen), a terrorist attack occurred in New Yale City, destroying one of its landmark buildings.

2010 to 2019[edit | edit source]

  • December 2013: First protests in Ashtalaia against a trivial subject, the removal of a number of Flarlandian television channels on the grounds of a rising wave of nationalism. These events led to the rise of a populist government in Ashtalaia known as Fire of Freedom.
  • October 1, 2017: The Fire of Freedom government is deposed.

2020 to now[edit | edit source]

  • 2020: a pandemic erupts in the PRK causing total disruption of basic life. In the summer of that year, the pandemic was challenged in the USS and much of the world (notable exceptions being Hopeland and Flarland) for increased protests for equality, that in the United States ended up being violent.
  • May 10, 2020: Chichetya's invasion of Rissoma begins.
  • February 24, 2022: Alavia starts a "special military operation" of Ugreine, the rest of the world except a few countries aligned to Alavia oppose the act of war and start imposing sanctions to Alavia, causing the country to become increasingly isolated.
  • September 12, 2022: Flarland oficially claims to have "tamed" the pandemic.
  • September 23-27, 2022: Referendums will take place in four Ugrainian territories claimed by Alavia, including the two breakaway republics, to determine if they will join the Alavian Federation. There's already mass criticism over these referendums, as far as claiming that the results will likely be fake.