Think Pictures

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Think Pictures is a North Arlesburian film and television production company founded in 1983 as an arthouse producer. The big break of the 90s helped revitalize the local film industry.

History[edit | edit source]

The local film industry was heavily crippled in 1974, as the dictatorial funding to make new films had been cut short. Production values decreased and television has become the new form of mass fiction.

On the other hand, filmmaking was confined to low-budget productions, mostly arthouse films. Stuart Kelmsley founded Think in June 1983, initially to make short, experimental productions inspired on the slowest Scandesian films. They wrre presented to limited groups of people in arthouse theaters nationwide and were later shown on TNA 2's Arts Club in the years that followed.

In 1990, the company signed a deal with Michillian production company Bryan Entertainment, one of the first post-coul production companies, in an attempt to diversify their offer. This time they had the help of the fastest-growing Eurectipherian producer, which meant that North Arlesbury was ready to join the Michillies in a joint game of Hollywood emulation.

Filmography[edit | edit source]

Film[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]