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TVG 2 is the second channel of the Corporación de Radio Televisión de Galicia. It launched in September 2006 at the same time the broadcaster rebranded.

TVG 2, like TVG 1, has its coverage area legally restricted to Galicia and it also falls under the Realese legislation for the Galician broadcaster in which it has to operate in Galician. Advertising on the channel is limited.

TVG 2 was launched for DTT in 2006. Since April 2012 that all Galicians have access to the service. The bulk of the channel's schedule, contrary to that of the first channel, is imported, and it is the current broadcaster of the popular Galician programming block Xabarín Club, which airs mainly imported programming (usually seen on RTR in Portuguese) dubbed in Galician. Some programming (usually Realese programming) is subtitled in order to strenghten ties with the rest of Real.

Programming[edit | edit source]