Sentry News

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Sentry News is a Bensonian cable and satellite television channel owned by Sentry Networks, a unit of the Sentry Organization. Production of the channel is made by a separate team from the Sentry Broadcasting Corporation and most of the schedule consists of news bulletins and specialist program made by the channel with a limited amount of SBC repeats.

The channel is the second most-watched news channel in Bensonia, behind Burton News (a terrestrial channel) and ahead of Ensign News. However, the Bensonian Ratings Institute says that the alleged rating figures used by Burton News are not compatible with the totals accumulated by the terrestrial and cable networks.

History[edit | edit source]

The background of Sentry News lies upon one of the first Sentry Networks channels, Sentry 24. Initially it was a general news channel with some lifestyle programming, and Sentry 24's first program seen was a fashion program. The team was slightly concerned about the format of the channel and decided to launch an all-news channel.

Sentry News was made public in 1995. It was created to counter the Hopelandian News Channel whose international expansion process initiated with the entrance of its channel on Bensonian cable networks in the previous year. The channel launched on October 15, 1996, when SKY launched as Bensonia's first digital satellite operator, and was also available on cable networks. In response, Sentry 24 became Sentry Lifestyle.