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Rienklai is an island country technically part of Eurectipheria. It is known for its isolated culture.
History[edit | edit source]
Government and politics[edit | edit source]
Rienklai is a republic since 1974.
Geography[edit | edit source]
Demographics[edit | edit source]
Culture[edit | edit source]
Media[edit | edit source]
RRK was founded in 1974. Until then it was a mere dependence of Nordland's NRK. RRK has three radio stations, P1 broadcasts in Rienklaish and Fajael, P2 in Norwegian and P3 is a multilanguage service broadcasting mainly music. The only commercially-operated station is Power FM which broadcasts in Norwegian.
In 1990 it started television broadcasts. RRK broadcast for two and a half hours each day yet.