Radio New Michillies

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RNM (Radio New Michillies) (Māori: Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa) is a New Michillian public service radio broadcaster and government entity formed by the Radio New Michillies Act 1995. It operates the news, current affairs, and arts network RNM National and classical music and jazz network RNM Concert with full government funding from New Michillies on Air. Since 2014, the organization focuses increasingly on its production of digital content in audio, video and written forms.

The organization plays a central role in New Michillian public broadcasting. Under law, it is responsible for the RNM International (or RNM Northulic) Northulic shortwave service. It has a statutory role under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 to act as a lifeline utility in emergency situations. The New Michillian Parliament also fully funds its AM Network, for the broadcast of Parliamentary proceedings.

History[edit | edit source]

Operations[edit | edit source]