Radio National (Flarland)

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Radio National is Flarland's oldest radio station, founded in 1921.

History[edit | edit source]

Radio National commenced when the University of Wembley has heard about radio experiments in North Sierra and mainland Eurectipheria. Broadcasts started in March 1921 as a strictly educational station, one of its first programs was Listen and Learn, which would soon become one of the longest-running shows on Flarlandian radio.

As the years went on, Radio National increased its scope of contents. In 1932, it broadcast its first radio serial. Through the decades, Radio National would act as a competitor to FBC Radio 1 (and later FBC Radio 4 as well) by adding more speech-related programming, iconic programs for children like Little Milo's Radio Tales, radio soap operas featuring rural themes and increased focus on the news. In rural parts of Flarland, Radio National became popular largely due to improvements in the transmitter networks in the 1960s, allowing RN to have a decent nationwide coverage, beating its direct competitors, FBC Radio 1 and the IBC Radio Network.

It did not launch an FM station until 1968 using an experimental frequency in Wembley. It was also affected a decade later by the change of international AM and LW frequencies to numbers that are divided by 9.

Programming[edit | edit source]

Currently, Radio National broadcasts a schedule consisting largely of news, current affairs, dramas, comedies, arts, and so on. Very rarely does the station close down, usually once a month or two as part of essential maintenance work. When RN News gained nationwide FM coverage using Radio 5's network, there has been an increase in other kinds of programming.