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RRK (an abbreviation of the Norwegian name Rienklaisk rikskringkasting) is the state broadcaster of Rienklai. Its mission is to promote national identity through the production of content in Rienklaish and Fajael. It was founded in 1974. It produces and broascasts programs in three languages: Rienklaish, Fajael and Norwegian and has close ties to the NRK.

History[edit | edit source]

Radio arrived to Rienklai in 1962. At the time, Rienklai was a dependency of Nordland. The NRK opened up a radio station in the then-Vannenklai and broadcast about an hour a day in Norwegian. Up until this point, Rienklaish and Fajael were the two dominant languages and this infuriated the locals. The consequences were that the NRK-run station should start including programming in Rienklaish and Fajael or else there would be a war for independence. Before there was any form of printed media in 1941 (the first printed newspaper was a Norwegian newspaper against the Third Reich), Rienklaish was the dominant language, and the Norwegian population feared a potential exit.

However, in 1973, the Association of Nations decided to grant Rienklai its independence. As consequence, RRK had to broadcast more hours of programming in Rienklaish and Fajael. There would still be programs in Norwegian, some locally-produced and some produced in Nordland. On 28 March 1974, RRK was founded on the same day Rienklai became a sovereign country. Broadcasts were from 4pm to 10pm.

After years of uncertainty regarding the introduction of television, RRK started television broadcasts on 28 March 1990. The daily schedule started at 6:30pm and ended at 9pm. Initially little programming was local, the best they could get was a 7:50pm newscast. The rest consisted of NRK programming coming by satellite. Quickly, the government realized that there could be a solution to fill these issues, as the budget for television was limited. By the end of the year, RRK Television was broadcasting an hour's worth of daily programming in two of the three languages and broadcasting hours began to increase. The following year, RRK broadcast its first Eurectivision Song Contest. The RRK was admitted into the EBU in 1980, but initially did not have the links. Satellite connections cemented the relationships between Rienklai and the rest of the world.

Some foreign cartoons in Rienklaish and Fajael started being broadcast in 1993, most of them were produced by Disney. By then they were broadcasting from 4:45pm to around midnight. Other specialist programs like news for the deaf in sign language were introduced.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

  • RRK Television