Ràdio i Televisió Nacional de Catalunya

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Ràdio i Televisió Nacional de Catalunya (Catalan: National Radio and Television of Catalonia) is the state-run public broadcaster of Catalonia. It operates several television channels in the country's five official languages. RTNC runs on a mixture of state subsidies and commercial advertising, in an equal 50/50 split.

History[edit | edit source]

Radio launched in 1927 under the auspices of the Ràdio Club de Barcelona. A few years later, it was nationalized.

Television broadcasts oficially started in 1956.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

  • Ràdio 1: general programming
  • Ràdio 2: fine arts
  • Ràdio 3: dynamic programming, usually aimed at the youth
  • Ràdio 4: a network of regional channels with scheduling closer to that of Ràdio 5 with some elements of Ràdio 1. Each province operates its own station. Overnight it relays Ràdio 5
  • Ràdio 5: news and talk
  • Radio DJ: multilingual music service
  • Radio Castilla: Spanish-language radio station
  • Radio Grand Étienne: French-language radio station
  • Shin Touhon Rajio: Japanese-language radio station
  • XFM: news and entertainment for expats. Broadcasts in English, German, Italian, Russian, Korean, Mandarin and Tagalog, all recognized minority languages.

Television[edit | edit source]

  • TNC 1: general programming
  • TNC 2: culture and the arts
  • TNC 3: youth
  • TNC 24 Hores: news
  • TNC Esport: sports
  • TNC Super: children
  • TNC Rewind: old programming
  • TNC Música: music. The channel also gives an incentive for local musicians to express themselves. Mutlilingual channel.
  • TNC Coneixment: knowledge and education
  • TV Castilla: Spanish-language channel. It blends TVC programming with local programming.
  • Télévision Étiennaise: French-language channel. Most of the output is locally made.
  • THK Cat - Japanese-language channel created following a protocol signed by the Oriencian public broadcaster THK.
  • RTR-NTR Catalunha: Portuguese-language channel. Occasionally programming from NTR is shown.
  • TV5MONDE: relays signed under a protocol
  • Eurectinews: producer of the Catalan feed. The Spanish, English and Portuguese feeds are also available. A Japanese feed is being studied.
  • TNC Internacional: international channel in Catalan
  • Catalunya 24: Multilngual news service in five languages: in Catalan, Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.