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The Pakifas are an overseas territory of Flarland, part of the Rerelengi island chain that acts as a semi-independent country under a compact of free association. Its capital is Ngamiben and is divided in thirteen counties. English and Pakifan are the de facto national languages.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

In the Pakifan language, the term refers to "island". The Anglicized form Pakifas roughly means "islands" and is based on Pakifan terminology used by the HOFS in the 19th century..

History[edit | edit source]

Pakifan tribes[edit | edit source]

The country was inhabited by Malayo-Polynesian tribes, known as Pakifans, since at least 1200 BC. They developed a highly self-sustainable society bent primarily on agriculture as the main need for life.

Flarlandian settlements and the HOFS[edit | edit source]

Although Michillians and Nashlandians tried colonizing the island unsuccessfully, Flarland was the only colonial power of the time who could easily colonize. A port was established in the nort-eastern corner of the main island (where the capital lies nowadays) and created the Hindic Ocean Fishmongers Society (HOFS). Only small portions were given to Flarland because of issues with the natives, which were to be solved in the years that followed.

The term "pakifa" was adopted to refer to the two main subdivisions at the time, Grand Pakifa and Lower Pakifa.

Free association[edit | edit source]

A compact of free association between Flarland and the Pakifan territory was signed in 1937. Since then it has been renewed: until 1997 every twenty years, but now for every ten years. If the compact isn't signed, then the Pakifas will cease being an overseas territory to become a sovereign country.

Orience avoids the islands[edit | edit source]

Incarceration of foreigners and mainland conspirers[edit | edit source]

Stabilization[edit | edit source]

Current period[edit | edit source]

Following the Hindic Ocean tsunami of 2004 that damaged much of the economy, the Pakifan government enacted the Olio Plan in February 2005, under which president Olio Olovu would visit factories that were abandoned by the tsunami and would help create a better economy.

By 2006, the economy had been fully restored.

Second Olovu administration[edit | edit source]

Chaos and confusion[edit | edit source]

Restabilization and present day[edit | edit source]

A recent period of instability, with the ban on Kaizhungese individuals, the Communist Party (similar to the Hindolanian New Order) and tense relations with countries like Northulia, as well as a successive remigration period (from places like the USS and Northulia) for Pakifans, have led to an identity crisis.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

The Pakifas are considered to be a "republic within a republic", as it, like the Henleys, despite being an overseas territory of Flarland, has an autonomous government with a president, prime minister and parliament. There are four legal political parties in the Pakifas and the parliament can hold 100 seats.

The Pakifan political parties are adapted from Flarland's parties, except that they are culturally suited to the local political scheme.

International relations[edit | edit source]

Since the Pakifas are a part of Flarland, it has a notorious effect on Flarland's relations with countries near the territory. The Pakifas are in a good standing with the member states of ASESON, particularly Hindolania and Lenapore. It also has good relations with Northulia.

Geography[edit | edit source]

The Pakifas are divided into five provinces: four of them are on Grand Pakifa and one in Little Pakifa. These provinces are further divided in counties (total of 46). Most of the population, essentially half of that of Grand Pakifa, lives on the Pakifan Capital District in the north-eastern region of Grand Pakifa.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The Pakifas rely on agriculture and tourism.

Demographics[edit | edit source]

According to a census conducted in October of 2019, the Pakifas has a population of 281.174, with about 140.000 in Grand Pakifa and 40.000 in Lower Pakifa. A few hundreds are known to live in outlying islands. The Pakifas conduct census once a year, compared to larger countries where such is done every ten years.

The Pakifan ethnic group occupies 75% of the populational chart, with the rest consisting of other Malayan, Lasgra or Polynesian tribes. There are some ethnic Ashtalaics, mostly descendants of Flarlandian colonizers.

The country has two official languages: English and Pakifan. The most common foreign languages are Japanese and Tagalog. There has been a sharp decrease in Mandarin speakers due to anti-Kaizhung policies implemented by the government.

Media[edit | edit source]

The government controles The Pakifan Observer. Four other newspapers belonging to private enterprises are also operational.

Voice of Pakifas operates three radio stations. There are also six commercial radio stations and relays of foreign services: Radio Northulia, LPBS International Radio, Voice of Flarland, NBS World Service and Voice of the Michillies.

VOP also operates the state-run television service composed of VOP One, VOP Two and Pakifas 24. The three commercial channels are TV3 Pakifas, Pakifan Screen and Ray TV.

PTC operates a cable television service which also relays terrestrial channels from Western Northulia and cable channels from Sondria.