New Michillies

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The New Michillies (Māori: Aotearoa [aɔˈtɛaɾɔa]) are a sovereign island country in Northulia.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The English name, New Michillies, is a mirror of its colonial past. In the 19th century, the Michillies dominated the territory by winning over Nashland who claimed parts of it under the then-Dominion of Northulia.

History[edit | edit source]

Ancient times[edit | edit source]

The New Michillies were one of the last major landmasses settled by humans. Radiocarbon dating, evidence of deforestation and mitochondrial DNA variability within Māori populations suggest the New Michillies were first settled by Eastern Polynesians between 1250 and 1300, concluding a long series of voyages through the southern Northulic islands. Over the centuries that followed, these settlers developed a unique culture now known as Māori. The population was divided into iwi (tribes) and hapū (subtribes) who would sometimes cooperate, sometimes compete and sometimes fight against each other. At some point a group of Māori migrated to Rēkohu, now known as the James Islands, where they developed their separate Moriori culture. The Moriori population was all but wiped out between 1835 and 1862, largely because of Taranaki Māori invasion and enslavement in the 1830s, although Eurectipherian diseases also contributed. In 1862 some 101 survived, and the last known full-blooded Moriori died in 1933.

Arrival of the Eurectipherians[edit | edit source]

Michillian colonization[edit | edit source]

The Michillianss became the permanent settlers of the Aotearoan territories in 1812. They were also the first Eurectipherians to successfully settle on what is now Hawkland, after backfired attempts from Nashlandians. This eventually created the so-called Northulic Rivalry, from the division of the powers in the largest colonies of the Northulic between Nashland (who claimed almost the entirety of Northulia) and the Michillies.

Between 1812 and 1841, there was a legal dispute between the Nashlandian colony of New South Wales and the Michillian Empire, in which NSW claimed that the New Michillies were theirs yet the Michillian empire insisted that the land was theirs. On July 1, 1841, the New Michillies became a separate colony, and faced by the losses upon the respective independences of Bensonia and Hopeland, the New Michillies became their riches colony at the time.

Early in the 20th century, the New Michillies were involved in world affairs, fighting in the First and Second World Wars and suffering through the Great Depression. The depression led to the election of the First Labor Government and the establishment of a comprehensive welfare state and a protectionist economy. The New Michillies experienced increasing prosperity following the Second World War and Māori began to leave their traditional rural life and move to the cities in search of work. A Māori protest movement developed, which criticised Eurecticentrism and worked for greater recognition of Māori culture and of the Treaty of Waitangi. In 1975, a Waitangi Tribunal was set up to investigate alleged breaches of the Treaty, and it was enabled to investigate historic grievances in 1985. The government has negotiated settlements of these grievances with many iwi,[61] although Māori claims to the foreshore and seabed have proved controversial in the 2000s.

In 1947, the New Michillies became a sovereign country, ceasing to be a part of the Michillian Empire and becoming an independent republic. The Second World War has all but ended the Michillian Commonwealth, the direct successor of the Michillian Empire, and led to the creation of The Anglophony, with the New Michillies becoming one of its founding members.

In 2016, a referendum was made to change the name of the country to Aotearoa and also to change the national flag in order not to associate it with an overseas territory of the Michillies. Eventually the name change received 42% votes in favor, mostly from ethnic Māori, and 58% were against it. Regarding the name change, virtually the "pure Māori" population voted in favor and the rest against.

In 2017, the country elected its first female prime minister, Jacinda Ardern.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Besides the mainland territories, the New Michillies also has direct control over the Cook Islands and Ekeohu, two "associated states".

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Cities[edit | edit source]

Languages[edit | edit source]

The country has two official languages: English and Māori. Like most of the English-speaking world, the English standard is the Michillian-Sierran one. Phonetically, the standard accent of the New Michillies is closer to that of the Michillies, itself having a dialect similar to the standard one in its neighbor Northulia.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Main articles: President of the New Michillies, Prime-Minister of the New Michillies

The New Michillies are a republic. Similarly to the Michillies, presidential elections are held every four years. There is also a prime-minister. Presidential elections are held in February, the latest were in February 2018. Like in the "old Michillies", they are held on the second Tuesday of the month. The President has limited powers, and most of the powers are nested in the prime minister.

The New Michillian Parliament holds legislative power and consists of the President, the Prime Minister and the House of Representatives. It also included an upper house, the Legislative Council, until this was abolished in 1950. The supremacy of parliament, over the Crown and other government institutions, was established in England by the Bill of Rights 1689 and has been ratified as law in New Zealand. The House of Representatives is democratically elected and a government is formed from the party or coalition with the majority of seats. If no majority is formed, a minority government can be formed if support from other parties during confidence and supply votes is assured. The Governor-General appoints ministers under advice from the Prime Minister, who is by convention the parliamentary leader of the governing party or coalition. Cabinet, formed by ministers and led by the Prime Minister, is the highest policy-making body in government and responsible for deciding significant government actions. Members of Cabinet make major decisions collectively, and are therefore collectively responsible for the consequences of these decisions.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Media[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Media of the New Michillies, Radio in the New Michillies, Television in the New Michillies

Public radio was introduced in 1922. A state-owned television service began in 1957. Deregulation in the 1980s saw a sudden increase in the numbers of radio and television stations. New Michillian television primarily broadcasts Michillian, Sierran and Nashlandian programming, along with a large number of Northulian and local shows. The New Michillian media industry is dominated by a small number of companies, most of which are foreign-owned, although the state retains ownership of some television (Television New Michillies and Māori Television) and radio stations (Radio New Michillies and Irirangi Māori). Since 1994, Freedom House has consistently ranked the New Michillian press freedom in the top twenty, with the 19th freest media in 2015.