Michillian Broadcasting Corporation

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The Michillian Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) is the state-run broadcaster of the Michillies.

History[edit | edit source]

The Michillian Broadcasting Corporation was formed in 1926 from the merger of the Launceston Radio Society and Launceston Wireless in 1926.

Operations[edit | edit source]

MBC Radio is responsible for the operations of four nationwide AM/FM stations (Radio Michillies, Radio Arts, Radio Fresh, Radio Community) and the Voice of the Michillies, in turn operated by MBC International.

MBC Television is responsible for the operations of seven television channels available domestically in the Michillies:

  • MBC 1: general entertainment
  • MBC 2: culture and the arts
  • MBC 3: youth entertainment
  • MBC 4: knowledge
  • MBC News: rolling news
  • CMBC: children's programming
  • MBC Junior: pre-school programming

MBC 1, MBC 3, MBC News and CMBC are funded by commercial advertising, MBC 2, MBC 4 and MBC Junior aren't.

MBC International is responsible for the broadcast of the news and entertainment channel of the same name and the news channel MBC World.