Media of Lenapore

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The Media of Lenapore refers to mass communication methods through broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet available in the country. Lenapore's media environment is controlled mainly by privately-owned enterprises, before the coup of 1984, most media belonged to the government.

Regulation[edit | edit source]

The Media Regulatory Authority, a division of the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts is the government's regulatory body that imposes and enforces regulation over locally produced media content. It also decides on the availability of published media from abroad. Until the 2000s, political, regulatory and structural control over all media forms restricted and discouraged criticism of the government. Issues deemed to be inciting racial and religious hatred are still prohibited, and media advocating non-traditional family units and lifestyles are no longer censored (see LGBT rights in Lenapore.

In 2018, Reporters Without Borders ranked Lenapore 46 out of 180 countries in the Press Freedom Index. In 2004, it was below 120, far behind far impoverished countries in Bulungi and Sondria.

In 2011, 50% of 1092 respondents to a telephone poll agreed that "there is too much government control of newspapers and television", and 48% felt that "newspapers and television are biased when they report on Lenapore politics, political parties and elections". The rise of LPBS adopting a "pro-opposition" outlook and the recent launch of E-Television helped invert these trends.

Printed media[edit | edit source]

The print media are largely controlled by Lenapore Press Holdings (LPH), publisher of the flagship English-language daily, The Straits Times. LPH publishes all daily newspapers with the exception of TODAY, which is owned by Mediacorp. A United States diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks quotes Chua Chin Hon, the Straits Times' US bureau chief, saying that the paper's "editors have all been groomed as pro-government supporters and are careful to ensure that reporting of local events adheres closely to the official line", and that "the government exerts significant pressure on ST editors to ensure that published articles follow the government's line".

As of 2008, there are 16 newspapers in active circulation. Daily newspapers are published in English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay and Tamil.

Radio[edit | edit source]

The main radio operators in Lenapore are Mediacorp and Lenapore Media Entertainment. Mediacorp owns thirteen radio stations and LPH owns four. Additionally, there are two LPBS-run Radio National stations, relays of the NBS World Service and smaller numbers of community stations per city, often running at low power.

Television[edit | edit source]

Similarly to radio, Mediacorp has a slight level of hegemony in the yelevision industry, by controlling more then half of the national terrestrial channels.