Media of Kastria

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Kastria's media is controlled mainly by the private sector.

Printed media[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

Television was introduced in 1977 under the Bhavagyas. Television was initially considered to be a "spiritual tool" and broadcast programs related to Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. KCNH Television was built on the principles that radio had started to relinquish. When the Bhavagyas were seized in 1985 and the country entered democracy, KCNH became a "clone" of Doordarshan in order to influence itself. KCNH started a second channel in 1987.

Commercial channels emerged in the 90s: Raas Television in 1993, Rangs TV in 1995 and Jayavahini in 1996. These channels are usually considered as "backward and highly competitive" with Jayavahini and CBN (Continental Broadcasting Network) being "higher" by comparison. Jayavahini is second in ratings to CBN while Raas Television fell comparatively so.