Media Corporation of Sri Britain

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The Media Corporation of Sri Britain (MCSB), known as the Sri British Broadcasting Corporation until September 26th, 2018, is the national broadcaster of Sri Britain. It operates radio since 1994 and television since 2016.

History[edit | edit source]

The SBBC was founded after president Stewart Ramasinghe had put the 1994 Media Law into action. The law meant that Sri Britain would have its own national broadcaster run at an arms-length from the government. Quickly, the SBBC started operating a radio station, Radio Sri Britain, in a country where radio stations from neighboring coutnmries had dominated the landscape, as well as the MFN radio stations.

SBBC's radio service initially started at 18:00 and ran for an hour every day. Instead of leasing airtime on existing broadcasters just within the local transmitter, an FM frequency had to be picked from scratch. Soon it acquired the former 693 AM frequency in order to increase listener figures.

The SBBC tried founding a television service but to no avail, until 2016. Most of the 90s failures came from the fact that the SBBC couldn't afford money to get television equipment.

In 1998, Radio Sri Britain started broadcasting for twelve hours a day, and also broadcast the Eurectipherian Qualifiers live on the radio as Sri Britain became a member of FIFA. In the same year, the SBBC set up its website. The website was a news portal featuring headlines from the Sri British News Agency as well as a live broadcast of Radio Sri Britain and the addition of e-mail adresses to its programming, especially to favor the Sri British diaspora and the people on the bases.

In 2014, RSB 2 launched, broadcasting for a few hours in Sinhala and Māori.

In April 2016, the SBBC announced that it would rebrand its radio services under the SBBC Radio umbrella brand and that it would launch a television channel using the former license of Sri British Television. The television service launched on May 27, 2016, using the frequency of the former Sri British Television, shut down on April 13.

In early September, the corporation received a cease-and-desist letter from the South Bulungian Broadcasting Corporation, allowing it to change its name in order not to cause accidental allusions to the South Bulungian state broadcaster.

On September 24, 2018, it announced that it would undergo a temporary period of maintenance as the government had approved a new name for the corporation, MCSB. On the afternoon of September 26th, SBBC Television went off-air for maintenance, later on in the evening, the two radio stations did the same. The following day, radio resumed as MCSB Radio 1 and MCSB Radio 2, and television resumed in the evening.

The new name has been heavily criticized by many, although the Chair of Executives has said that a return to the previous SBBC brand would be impossible.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]