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LPBS 1 is the main television channel of the Lenaporean Public Broadcasting Service. It broadcasts in English, Malay, Tamil and Telugu.

History[edit | edit source]

LPBS has prepared a television service for as long as the 1994 creation of LPBS through the division of the radio operations of the LBC. The LPBS television service was initially intended to emulate renowned public broadcasters like the NBS or the NBS by providing "quality programming to all Lenaporean households". Unfortunately, LPBS had a series of shortcomings, notably the lack of transmitters to broadcast the signal, forcing it to rely exclusively on UHF. The biggest shortcoming was the lack of a transmitter to serve the Xalxas Autonomy as the Rangeedu television transmitter was unable to open an additional channel.

Television services started on March 28, 2001. Initially, LPBS Television was unlike its radio counterpart - also unlike its commercial competitors - the channel was dedicated entirely to good deeds and couldn't air content deemed "excessive", like for example violence. Some people believe that this channel was inspired by the Xiaowanese Da Ai channel - although being a government-run service operating under such a philosophy was troubling.

In July, LPBS understood that the philosophy it practiced was a "huge mistake". It also received many emails from people saying that they looked like a new age cult without looking at then. On August 1, 2001, LPBS dropped most of the "positive" programming and replaced it with more standard public service programming. The news operation was also standardized instead of focusing entirely on good deeds.

Until 2003, LPBS Television was the only channel controlled by the broadcaster. The ratio of programming was essentially 40:20:10:10:10, in order, English, Malay, Japanese, Chinese dialects and Tamil. Upon the launch of LPBS 2, the Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay and Tamil programming moved to the new service and the ratio of programming was rearranged to 60:40, in Japanese and English respectively. By then the channel was now broadcasting eighteen hours a day - a sharp increase compared to the six hours it had every day upon launch.

On February 2, 2009, LPBS 1 premiered its new schedule format.

LPBS started allowing commercial advertising on its channels on May 1, 2016, a decision that was met with much controversy as the government broadcast was supposed to be commercial-free. This was reportedly an attempt to try competing against Mediacorp's channels.

Programming[edit | edit source]

News[edit | edit source]

  • LPBS News
  • Talking Point
  • Eye on ASESON

Former programming[edit | edit source]