Khyber Waterman

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Khyber Waterman is a Flarlandian merman actor, screenwriter and voice actor. Born in 1983 to his sole brother (at the time) Rhett Waterman, he is the founder and longtime president of Couch Slave Entertainment.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Khyber was born on September 28th, 1983, somewhere near the the western coast of Flarland. His first years were rather complicated, and his life in Warley was initially poor and desperate.

In 1986, Khyber had learnt how to listen to radio, and despite his lack of expertise, was hired by a pirate station on the FM band, Voice of North Wembley. He became one of its hosts and attained massive attention. In 1989, in order to free a set of frequencies for FBC Radio 5, Voice of North Wembley shut down and Khyber founded Couch Slave Entertainment. In the same year, on November 14, her sister Arrow was born, and he got his first major nationwide television appearance on Channel Ten's Club X, as Couch Slave's first work for television. This effectively created a "from rags to riches" scenario as Khyber's company, initially set up to publish comics, quickly became an influential cultural icon, though with limited reach at first. In 1992, the FBC decided to give Club X a new season. Network Three, as it was called back then, had a far wider reach than Channel Ten, and helped boost Khyber's company and productions. In the weeks that followed, new comics and television series were made.

Khyber was the first merman entertainer to have his own website, a minimalistic page known as Khybernet, in June 1996. Updates were slow for the sake of his health, but was later (by 2000) a central part of his daily life.

In December 2019 he made an announcement regarding his involvement with Couch Slave Entertainment. The announcement was oficially made at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2020, as he announced that he would end his 9-year presidency at the company.

Since then, Khyber Waterman has been seeing what he calls "bipedal men in decay", as his fortunes started to fall down, he lost a lot of followers and is unable to live "under the circumstances of the current socio-political environment" that led to members of certain groups to boycott Khyber Waterman for his erratic viewpoints. He has been ridiculed several times by non-followers, most of whom (according to Khyber) are under the age of twenty. And in the midst of this issue, Khyber made a series of programs called Public Affair (so far four were produced) where he tried to deviate from his recent scandals.

In July 2022, a commercial television producer (CF Productions) wanted Khyber to accept a proposal for a documentary, Khyber: From Riches to Rags. Khyber rejected CF's proposal saying that "their content is like most content on commercial TV, too under-researched". An independent documentary was released instead, with the same name.

Political career[edit | edit source]

Khyber Waterman registered once for the presidential elections in 2016, after four joke campaigns made between 2000 and 2012. Despite the success of the KWP and a heavy inveestment during the 2016 elections, he only gathered 17 votes, almost all of them from Wembley and from Khyber's close friends and allies, and announced that he would surpress his political career permanently after that.

Personal life[edit | edit source]

Khyber is known for his blue hair and green tail. Such color mixture was possible in the coast of Western Flarland at the time of birth. Occasionally he's considered selfish, a trait that has been explored in his recent series Khyber: The Animated Series.

Khyber is neutral and has no specific socio-political views. Occasionally he does Facebook live chats talking about issues that "ruin society", including threats from viewers who now find some of his work "offensive".

Works[edit | edit source]

Comics[edit | edit source]

  • Look, I Have a Comic Book
  • Khyber: The Animated Comics (2013-present)

Film[edit | edit source]

Music[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

Internet[edit | edit source]

Collaborations[edit | edit source]

Khyber has a few friends within the local merculture scene: George Wendell, creator of Milo of the Deep, Cory Hale, aka thewaves and Ajakoo Johnson-Roberts.