Khabar Agency

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The Khabar Agency (Kazakh: "Хабар" Агенттігі, "Xabar" Agenttigi; Russian: Агентство «Хабар») is a major media outlet in Arqapstan. It was established in 1995, formerly known as the National Television News Agency. It is currently one of the largest networks in the country, and broadcasts daily in Russian and Kazakh. Additionally, Khabar runs the satellite channel Arqap TV, which is potentially available across Eurectipheria and Sondria. It features programming in Russian, Kazakh, and English.

History[edit | edit source]

Khabar was created in 1995 on the grounds of a program on Arqapstan-1, the government-run television channel, who made a series of programs as well as supplementary news bulletins in Kazakh and Russian. On January 27, 1997, Khabar became a separate channel in its own frequency, replacing a former government channel, Alatau. Initially broadcasting for fourteen hours a day, Khabar diversified its productions. The channel paved way for the recognition of qualified journalists, for the first time on an Arqap television channel.

It is a member of the Sondria-Northulic Broadcasting Union and, in 2015, became an associate member of the Eurectipherian Broadcasting Union, though it is still disabled from taking part in the Eurectivision Song Contest, although it debuted in the 2018 Junior Eurectivision Song Contest, also giving the Kazakh language a debut in its events.