Jeux Sans Frontières

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Jeux Sans Frontières (Games Without Frontiers) is a Eurectipheria-wide television game show. It is produced since 1965 under the auspices of the Eurectipherian Broadcasting Union. It features teams from eight Eurectipherian countries (under the current regulation: four fixed countries plus the winning country of the ESC and three countries picked at random by the EBU) dressed in outlandish costumes competing in bizarre tasks.

Currently there are two leagues featuring seven teams each, totalling fourteen teams.

History[edit | edit source]

Format[edit | edit source]

Unlike the EBU's music competitions, where English is used as a lingua franca for the whole program, Jeux Sans Frontières employs extensive use of the native language of the hosting countries, being accompanied by commentators for each country broadcasting the competition.

In 2002, owing to the growing number of countries taking part, the EBU decided to split the games into two "leagues". The three best teams of each league take part in the finals.

Judges[edit | edit source]

Editions[edit | edit source]