Hopelandian grizzly bear
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The Hopelandian grizzly bear is a sub-species of grizzly bears and merbears native to Hopeland and to a lesser extent its neighbors Great Giana. They are believed to be related from their counterparts in the United States of Sierra and Keithland, and have similar genetic make-up and fur color. Hopelandian grizzly bears and merbears are omnivores and are known to posess sapience closer to a human, as evidenced by many Hakki tribes, and this allows for such bears and merbears to live in a few human settlements. They also don't have long hibernation periods (land bears).
Notable bears of this species[edit | edit source]
Tieka[edit | edit source]
Tieka lived between 1927 and 1959. Notorious in the 1940s for serving as a sort of rodeo for Hakki natives