Garghazia, officialy the Republic of Garghazia (Републіка Гарґазія) is a country located in northern Tyntalsya. The country was created after the takeover of indigenous territories and lands formerly belonging to the Dominion of Ferntrench in 1951. who over time created their own language and culture.
History[edit | edit source]
What is now Frivopol was colonized by a number of colonial powers, the most successful attempts being the Nashlandian and Michillian empires. At the neat-end of WW1, immigrants from Eastern Eurectipheria moved to Tyntalsya, they were being fled due to persecution from the newly-proclaimed Soviet Union.
In November 1918, Frivopol was created, as an independent entity within the Michillian colony, then known as the Michillian Tyntalsyan Settlements.