Gambling in Omawate

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Gambling in Omawate has been legal since 1989, aside from a small period between 2009 and 2011 where it was banned for being "immmoral"; however it was allowed again under sanitized conditions.

History[edit | edit source]

4azzino777[edit | edit source]

"4azzino777", a Yanikan gambling website founded in 2011 supposedly "contributes to the correct setting of goals and objectives, builds confidence, brings a feeling the fullness of self-realization, contributes to the consolidation of optimism. Strategy (vision of the pros and cons, understanding the situation as a whole, developing an adequate plan of action)".

The website compete against Tihanchon 777✅/Тиханчон 777✅ (the check box is part of the name but not part of the web addres for technical reasons). Ironically enough, both sites attract a high amount of visitors from South-Eastern Sondrian countries where gambling is considered legal.

4azzino777 receives a substantial amount of visitors from former Soviet countries, particularly Alavia and Arqapstan, and it is believed that Alavians regularly hack the website to promote it. Tihanchon is less popular because it falls on the concept of old Omawatic games.