Friends TV

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Friends TV is a Yawnaroan commercial television channel, broadcasting from 17:30 to 00:00 daily (longer due to overflow from certain sporting events sublicensed from YTel). The channel started on October 29, 2022 after the Yawnaroan king greenlighted an order for the YRC to concentrate on local programming, with Friends TV absorbing much of the external content. The channel is owned by Friends FM.

History[edit | edit source]

In March 2022, upon the launch of Y1, Y2 and YSports, channels programmed from the Henleys, the Yawnaroan king requested by e-mail to the Flarlandian regulatory body the creation of a privately-owned television channel to absorb YRC TV's international (and mainland Flarlandian) programming. The channel was to broadcast using a spare terrestrial slot last used to carry Wisdom of the Yawnaroans, moved to the YRC service's daytime slots.

In June 2022, the government gave greenlight and equipment to Friends FM to commence the test broadcasts, starting July 25.

In October it was announced that the channel was aiming for an October 29 launch.

Programming[edit | edit source]

Friends TV has limited local programming (justified due to population factors) and absorbed most of the foreign content formerly seen on YRC TV, like what Ytel did before.