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Flarland is a country located on the island of Ashtalaia, a part of the continent of Eurectipheria, bordering Ashtalaia to the east and Vydoria to the north. Historically a collection of trade kingdoms by Ashtalaic settlers, it was colonized by people from English-speaking Eurectipherian countries who eventually created their kingdoms. These kingdoms were unified under a new Republic in 1776.

Flarland has emerged as an international superpower in the manufacturing industry. The country is a founding member of the [Naran G8 that has more than eight members] yet is neutral, being a member of the League of Non-Aligned Countries as its largest economical power.

Flarland is the most populous country within the entirety of Eurectipheria and is the thirteenth-largest country in the world by population.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

In ancient times, there were many Ashtalaic humans and merpeople who settled in the south-western part of the island of Ashtalaia. A few millennia ago, the first signs of organized society were created along the north coast, before slowly spreading through to the south, where Flarland is located.

Trade kingdoms[edit | edit source]

Trade kingdoms were created along the coast. They had the capability to operate under conditions that the products and resources woud be traded with other kingdoms. During this phase, these kingdoms expanded inland.

The rise of Harchakobor[edit | edit source]

One of the kingdoms that were created was one on the western coast, Harchakobor. Eventually it gained success by pillaging on neighboring kingdoms, thus making a non-contiguous kingdom.

Arrival of English-speaking merchants[edit | edit source]

Merchants from the Nashland, the Michillies and North Arlesbury visited Flarland but not for the intents of adopting religion, as it is still forbidden. This time, their interest was in trade and diplomacy. Non-puritans arrived there in hope for getting better chances of life. They settled in the city of Waverly Hills, at the time a part of Harchakobor. Over time, they moved further inland. This led to the creation of small English-speaking city-state kingdoms. Over time their knowledge of the Ashtalaic cultures and kingdoms had begun to assimilate to an extent where mutual co-operation between kingdoms became viable. In 1626, Peter Hanrahan creates Wembley. Initially Wembley was a royal city-state under assimilated knowledge from the Ashtalaics.

Precisely in 1645, the first Fishmonger Society was created in Waverly Hills. Central to the FS was the setting of a potential sovereign country built upon the city-states of the colonists. Estimates say that the native population (only of humans) was of at least 2 million, compared to 200.000 Eurectipherian settlers (merpeople were at a far lower number than the colonists). Ashtalaian natives relied heavily on bisons and deers for sustenance - the combined population of both species in the territory of modern-day Flarland was of roughly 50 million.

By the end of the century, natives and colonists decided to settle in a celebration of harmony between the two human species. The territory was also a central stop for goods coming in from North Sierran natives, and was used as a port of exchange.

These efforts were further consolidated around the year 1715, when Harchakobor is invaded by an entirely-secular ship from Nashland. Their mission is to study the peculiar Ashtalaic culture and to settle trade agreements, but eventually the territories were later "occupied" by "puppet kingdoms". By 1722, some of these kingdoms were sovereign without any Nashlandian control.

By 1735, much of Flarland's current territory was occupied by the first English-speaking kingdoms, led by Wembley, with there being seven at first, until further mergers led to the "three kingdom plan". By the time there were five kingdoms where English was the predominant language. Only one (Ammer) was attached to other laws.

Unification plans[edit | edit source]

Wembley annexed two kingdoms in 1740. By then there were three royal powers and little native land. Initially things were easy, but got complicated over time. The plans assigned were to unify them into one large nation-state, but this would take decades to achieve.

In 1743, Wembley is emancipated and becomes The Federal Kingdom of Flarland, using Wembley's borders. The FKF was divided in three divisions - one for neo-colonists and two for natives. This generates a series of disputes among the ethnic groups and business and trade between kingdoms was becoming difficult.

By 1760, over 900.000 Eurectipherians lived in the three kingdoms and Harchakobor. Taxes are created from the FKF and they demanded an ousting of the royalists. In 1774, the unification of Flarland was closer and they demanded a republic. On February 2, 1775, the Parliament enters in session for the first time, calling for dialog between Ashtalaics and Eurectipherians and for the creation of the Republic of Flarland.

Republic[edit | edit source]

The Republic was proclaimed on July 4th, 1776, and Flarland became a sovereign country. It claimed all territories claimed by Anglophone kingdoms except for Harchakobor, whose territory eventually got annexed in June 1789. However the initial years of Flarland were complicated, some Flarlandians were still royalist.

Civil war[edit | edit source]

In the years that followed the annexation of Harchakobor, the English language became more dominant in the region and the natives were worried about their future. This led to the civil war, eventually leading to the secession of Harchakoborian territories, thus disabling Flarland from most of its coastline.

Eventually Harchakobor was defeated and the country was reunified.

Flarland's empire[edit | edit source]

Dissatisfied with the result of losing key ports for a few years, Flarland set up the second Fishmonger Societies. They took over islands north of the island of Ashtalaia and claimed them under the Atlantean Ocean Fishmonger Society. The AOFS colony was later broken in three, the Henleys, Eumoritown and Yawnaro. They found two attractive islands, the Pakifan archipelago to the west of Northulia and Port Merwin to the east.

Industrialization[edit | edit source]

Throughout the 19th Century, Flarland followed the growing trend of industrialization.

Flarland witnessed the after effects of the 1929 crash or Great Depression

Neutrality[edit | edit source]

During both World Wars, Flarland became a neutral country, and this continued for many years. However the country was affected by the Great Depression, yet was spared from consequences from abroad (its Ashtalaic-speaking neighbors did suffer), as Flarland had a stable, yet mostly rural economy.

However, Flarland fought in the Second World War against Orience and the United States over their takeovers of Port Merwin and the Pakifas and eventually won.

Economical growth[edit | edit source]

Following the end of the Second World War, Flarland entered a process of redemocratization and Ronah Quimby was elected president in 1948. Despite this the Nationalist Front won the 1950 legislative elections - the supposed choice was in order to boost morale in uncertain times. By 1951 the country was entering its second wave of industralization, followed by the election of the FLP for the next eight years over two legislative elections.

Modern era[edit | edit source]

In 2000 the Freedom Fighters wreaked havoc over the Flarlandian economy

Geography[edit | edit source]

Flarland is divided into 24 provinces. There are also five overseas territories: Henleys, Pakifas, Eumoritown, Yawnaro and Port Merwin.

Flag Abbreviation Name Type of administration Capital Population
WBL Wembley (province) Province Wembley 24,256,800
WTC Whitecastle Province Whitecastle 16,812,760
WAH Waverly Hills Province Waverly Hills 12,442,373
DRW Darwin Province Darwin 8,673,713
MPL Mount Pleasant Province Mount Pleasant 8,187,828
CMR Camarthen Province Hannington
BKS Berkshire Province Cromarty 5,743,719
NFK Norfolk Province Norfolk 4,434,827
AMV Ammer Valley Province Belmont 3,740,307
SFK Suffolk Province Suffolk 3,442,361
CHI Chichester Province Chichester 3,207,247
FBL The Flatbush Province Norfolk 2,793,397

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Population[edit | edit source]

Flarland is one of the most populated countries in the world, with over 100 million inhabitants as of the latest census. It is also the largest in terms of population whose borders are strictly within EUrectipheria.

Language[edit | edit source]

Health[edit | edit source]

Education[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Main articles: President of Flarland

Law enforcement and crime[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Infrastructure[edit | edit source]

Cuture[edit | edit source]

Food[edit | edit source]

Literature[edit | edit source]

Music[edit | edit source]

Cinema[edit | edit source]

The Flarlandian film industry is currently one of the largest of the world.

Sports[edit | edit source]

Media[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Media of Flarland, Radio in Flarland, Television in Flarland

Well-known newspapers include The National, The Flarlandian Times, The Observer, The National Post and the Flarland Business Journal.

The four major broadcasters of Flarland are the government-run Flarlandian Broadcasting Corporation, the university-run University of Wembley Broadcasting and the commercial Independent Broadcasting Corporation and Channel Ten. Terrestrial television is operated by Freeview, a joint-venture of the national terrestrial broadcasters. Around 60% of the most-watched programs on television come from at least one of the larger terrestrial channels.

Flarlandians listen to about two and a half hours of radio a day. FBC, UWB and IBC operate their radio stations as well as smaller commercial companies. There are also university-run stations (other than those of the UWB) that follow Radio Active's format of alternative music.