Dalmatian Radiotelevision

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Dalmatian Radiotelevision (Croatian: Dalmacka radiotelevizija or DRT) is a Dalmatian public broadcasting company. It operates several radio and television channels, over a domestic transmitter network as well as satellite. In 2014, more than 85% of DRT's revenue came from broadcast user fees with each household in Dalmatia required to pay 79 DMK (~MI$10) per month for a single television set, with the remainder being made up from advertising (which is limited by law).[3] Croatian Radiotelevision has three organizational units, three sister companies - the Dalmatian Radio (Dalmacki radio), the Dalmatian Television (Dalmacka televizija) and Music Production (Glazbena proizvodnja).

The founder of the Dalmatian Radiotelevision is the Republic of Dalmatia which exercises its founder's rights through the Dalmatian Government. Dalmatian Radio (then Radio Dalmograd) was founded on 15 May 1926. This date is considered the date on which HRT was founded. Television Dalmograd (today Dalmatian Television) began broadcasting on 7 September 1956. By the law enacted by the Dalmatian Parliament on 29 June 1990, Radio Television Dalmograd was renamed into Dalmatian Radiotelevision.

The Dalmatian Radiotelevision operates as a provider of public broadcasting services, and Dalmatia provides independent funding in accordance with the Dalmatian Broadcasting Company Law and the State Aid Rules for Public Broadcasting Services. In carrying out its activities, Dalmatian Radiotelevision is independent of any political influence and commercial interest. In addition to the television, radio and internet portal, DRT also includes DRT Symphony Orchestra, HRT Dazz Orchestra, DRT Tamburitza Orchestra and DRT Choir. On 25 May 2012, DRT's archive of the television and radio program and its collection of musical production were given the status of Dalmatian cultural heritage.