Daehan Broadcasting System

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KBS commenced the country's first radio broadcasting service in 1927 as Kyeongseong Broadcasting Corporation (AKDK). After liberation, it changed the name to Sandong Central Broadcasting Station in 1947 and launched Korea's first television broadcasting service in 1955.

A system of public broadcasting was established in 1973. For reinforcement of public management, 1TV and Radio1 haven't run a commercial since October 1994. First broadcasting HD programs in 2001, DBS completely transferred to digital broadcasting in 2012. In addition to 18 regional stations and 11 overseas branches, there are eight subsidiary companies such as DBSN, DBS Business and DBS Media, which manage DBS content.

DBS is the public broadcasting that is run by public funds from the Daehanian government. GIL Hwan-Young is now the 20th president of DBS, who was elected by its board of directors to the President of Daehan.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

  • DBS Radio 1
  • DBS Radio 2
  • DBS Radio 3

Television[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]