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Correspondence of Naran countries with their real-life counterparts. A reminder that some countries in the Naran canon are fully-fictional.
Continents[edit | edit source]
- North Sierra: North America
- South Sierra: South America
- Eurectipheria: Europe
- Bulungi: Africa, the Middle East and Turkey
- Sondria: Asia
- Northulia: Oceania
North Sierra[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
ACU | Acurras | Honduras |
BAH | Bahaddies | Bahamas |
CAB | Cabao | Cuba |
CAR | Caraiban Republic | Dominican Republic |
CGT | Chugatenala | Guatemala |
CON | Conesa | El Salvador |
HUA | Huasco | Mexico |
IRA | Iragua | fictional |
KTI | Kanti | Haiti |
KEI | Keithland | Canada |
KIN | Kintura | Belize |
MCO | Magano and Comara | Trinidad and Tobago |
NIM | Nimarania | Nicaragua |
NPI | Napión | the geographical Panama |
NTG | Norteguay | Average fictional Central American countries in American film and TV series |
SGI | Saint and Greasvie Islands | fictional |
STH | Saint Thyrecene | fictional |
TRI | Trinidia | Barbados |
USS | United States of Sierra | United States of America |
WKL | Wakeland | Jamaica |
South Sierra[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
ARM | Armandina | fictional with elements of Chile and Peronist Argentina |
AST | Astiniria | Argentina |
ASU | Asunción | Paraguay |
BEN | Bensonia | fictional but based on Brazil |
CHU | Churan | Peru |
CON | Concepción | Chile |
ECU | Ecuador | Ecuador |
GGI | Great Giana | fictional |
GUY | Guyana | Co-Operative Republic of Guyana |
HPL | Hopeland | fictional |
MER | Mérida | Colombia and Panama |
ORO | Oro Republic | Uruguay |
PAT | Patagonia | fictional |
SAL | Salvenia | Bolivia |
SRA | Sranan | Suriname |
VCZ | Vera Cruz | Brazil |
Eurectipheria[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
ALV | Alavia | Russia minus North Ossetia-Alania |
AST | Ashtalaia | fictional |
BLT | Baltic Republic | Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania |
BLV | Belavia | Belarus |
BOH | Bohemia | Czech Republic and Slovakia |
CAS | Castille | Spain minus Galicia, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands |
CAT | Catalonia | Spanish autonomies of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands + Andorra |
CHE | Chemheria | fictional |
DLM | Dalmatia | Croatia and Slovenia |
ETI | Étienne | France |
FLD | Flarland | fictional |
HRM | Haramia | Armenia |
HTG | Hartung | Germany |
HLN | Hellenia | Greece |
IRN | Irenia | Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland |
IRI | Iridia | fictional with elements of Iceland |
IRY | Irystan | North Ossetia-Alania and South Ossetia |
ITE | Iteria | Italy |
JYG | Jygge | Denmark |
KZH | Karazhunia | fictional |
LRK | Lourkastein | Luxembourg |
MIC | Michillies | fictional |
MCL | Monte Carlo | Monaco but larger |
MSV | Moujeboule Sovière | fictional |
NAR | Narland | Iceland |
NLD | Nashland | England |
NRL | Nordland | Norway |
NAL | North Arlesbury | fictional with elements of Portugal |
ODL | Omdalia | fictional |
RAG | Ragora | Bulgaria and North Macedonia |
REL | Real | Portugal and Galicia |
RGN | Reignière | Belgium |
REI | Reitanna | fictional with elements of Spain |
REP | Republicca | fictional |
RKL | Rienklai | fictional |
SAK | Sakartvelo | Georgia minus South Ossetia |
SLO | Salo | Finland |
SHK | Shkipia | Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina |
SOB | Sobora | Serbia and Montenegro |
SOL | Solenial | fictional with elements of Portugal and the Netherlands |
SAL | South Arlesbury | fictional |
SRB | Sri Britain | fictional |
SWI | Swilatia | Poland |
TRN | Tarania | fictional |
TKS | Turkestan | Turkey |
ULD | Underlands | Netherlands |
VAL | Valeria | Switzerland and Liechtenstein |
VYR | Vydoria | fictional |
WLS | Wales | Wales |
Bulungi[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
ACA | Acaria | fictional with elements of Cape Verde |
AKA | Akania | Ghana |
APH | Aphasena | Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti |
ASR | Asrael | Israel |
ASY | Assyria | Syria |
BHR | Bahari | fictional |
BQR | Baqar | Qatar and Bahrain |
BGO | Bogo | Togo and Gabon |
BGD | Buganda | Uganda |
BPH | Bophatswana | Botswana |
COU | Cabo Ouro | Cape Verde |
CRI | Cameroon River | Cameroon |
COR | Côte d'Or | Ivory Coast |
DKR | Dakaria | Senegal |
EQG | Equatorial Giana | Equatorial Guinea |
FTQ | Frantaque | Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo |
GIA | Giana | Guinea-Conakry |
GGR | Giana Gravana | Guinea-Bissau |
GUB | Gubhat | Kuwait |
HYP | Hypia | Libya |
HUA | Huamba | Angola |
IRT | Irat | Iraq minus Kurdistan |
KAR | Karasa | fictional |
KDS | Kurdistan | Iraqi Kurdistan |
MGH | Maghrebia | Morocco and Mauritania |
MRK | Marrakenya | Mozambique |
MAU | Mauricia | Maldives and Seychelles |
MCZ | Mechazena | fictional |
NAG | Nagar | Niger |
NGR | Nagaria | Nigeria |
NLB | Namu Labaki | fictional with elements of Angola and Namibia |
NRI | New Reitanna | fictional with elements of Equatorial Guinea |
ORD | Ordony | Jordan |
PBS | Pombestan | fictional |
QFR | Qafar | Tunisia |
RHO | Rhodesia | Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi |
STA | Saint Thomas and Annobon | São Tomé and Príncipe |
RSB | South Bulungi | South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland |
TGR | Tangier | Algeria |
TTR | Tentoria | Tanzania |
TES | Tesopo | fictional |
TOM | Tomalia | Somalia minus Somaliland |
TML | Tomaliland | sovereign Somaliland |
UME | United Mussulmenian Emirates | United Arab Emirates + Oman |
WAJ | Wajichazi | Kenya |
Sondria[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
AOS | Aoshi | fictional |
ARQ | Arqapstan | Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan |
BED | Bedu Republic | fictional |
BEN | Bengalia | Bangladesh |
CHI | Chichetya | fictional with elements of Sri Lanka, Thailand and Laos |
DAE | Daehan | South Korea |
DAR | Daristan | Afghanistan |
HDL | Hindolania | Indonesia |
HIN | Hindustan | India |
IQT | Iqtumenia | fictional |
IGK | Ishigaki | fictional |
JOS | Joseon | North Korea |
KZH | Kaizhung | People's Republic of China |
KPC | Kampuchea | Cambodia |
KRC | Karachistan | Pakistan |
KHP | Khapral | Nepal and Bhutan |
LEN | Lenapore | Singapore |
LOR | Loso Republic | fictional with elements of Myanmar |
MAL | Malaya | Malaysia and Brunei |
MLU | Malayanese Union | fictional with elements of the Maldives |
MCH | Manchuria | historical Manchuria with some Japanese Manchukuo in democratic rule |
MON | Mongolia | Mongolia |
NOS | Nosghel | Philippines |
OMW | Omawate | fictional |
ORI | Orience | Japan |
PER | Persia | Iran |
RAW | Rangwon | fictional with elements of the Ryukyu Islands |
RIS | Rissoma | fictional with elements of Bhutan |
ROZ | Rozekistan | Uzbekistan |
SEN | Sennam | Vietnam |
SLK | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
TAN | Tangwa | fictional with elements of Thailand and Cambodia |
TAZ | Tazbekistan | Tajikistan |
TIM | Timor | East Timor |
XWN | Xiaowan | sovereign Taiwan |
YAN | Yaniko | fictional |
Northulia[edit | edit source]
Code | Name | Equivalent |
BNG | Bukua New Giana | Papua New Guinea |
FIG | Figi | Fiji |
GSC | Great Scorria | fictional with elements of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands |
HAM | Hamuas | Samoa |
HRU | Haruatu | Vanuatu |
HON | Honga | Tonga |
NMI | New Michillies | New Zealand |
NOR | Northulia | Australia |
PWN | Porowon | fictional |
RLU | Ralau | Palau |
TAV | Tavengu | Tuvalu and Kiribati |
ULT | Ulteria | Largely inspired by fictional countries from the Spanish Uncyclopedia (Tuvalu Ulterior and Tuvalu Citerior) |