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Correspondence of Naran countries with their real-life counterparts. A reminder that some countries in the Naran canon are fully-fictional.

Continents[edit | edit source]

  • North Sierra: North America
  • South Sierra: South America
  • Eurectipheria: Europe
  • Bulungi: Africa, the Middle East and Turkey
  • Sondria: Asia
  • Northulia: Oceania

North Sierra[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
ACU Acurras Honduras
BAH Bahaddies Bahamas
CAB Cabao Cuba
CAR Caraiban Republic Dominican Republic
CGT Chugatenala Guatemala
CON Conesa El Salvador
HUA Huasco Mexico
IRA Iragua fictional
KTI Kanti Haiti
KEI Keithland Canada
KIN Kintura Belize
MCO Magano and Comara Trinidad and Tobago
NIM Nimarania Nicaragua
NPI Napión the geographical Panama
NTG Norteguay Average fictional Central American countries in American film and TV series
SGI Saint and Greasvie Islands fictional
STH Saint Thyrecene fictional
TRI Trinidia Barbados
USS United States of Sierra United States of America
WKL Wakeland Jamaica

South Sierra[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
ARM Armandina fictional with elements of Chile and Peronist Argentina
AST Astiniria Argentina
ASU Asunción Paraguay
BEN Bensonia fictional but based on Brazil
CHU Churan Peru
CON Concepción Chile
ECU Ecuador Ecuador
GGI Great Giana fictional
GUY Guyana Co-Operative Republic of Guyana
HPL Hopeland fictional
MER Mérida Colombia and Panama
ORO Oro Republic Uruguay
PAT Patagonia fictional
SAL Salvenia Bolivia
SRA Sranan Suriname
VCZ Vera Cruz Brazil

Eurectipheria[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
ALV Alavia Russia minus North Ossetia-Alania
AST Ashtalaia fictional
BLT Baltic Republic Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
BLV Belavia Belarus
BOH Bohemia Czech Republic and Slovakia
CAS Castille Spain minus Galicia, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands
CAT Catalonia Spanish autonomies of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands + Andorra
CHE Chemheria fictional
DLM Dalmatia Croatia and Slovenia
ETI Étienne France
FLD Flarland fictional
HRM Haramia Armenia
HTG Hartung Germany
HLN Hellenia Greece
IRN Irenia Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
IRI Iridia fictional with elements of Iceland
IRY Irystan North Ossetia-Alania and South Ossetia
ITE Iteria Italy
JYG Jygge Denmark
KZH Karazhunia fictional
LRK Lourkastein Luxembourg
MIC Michillies fictional
MCL Monte Carlo Monaco but larger
MSV Moujeboule Sovière fictional
NAR Narland Iceland
NLD Nashland England
NRL Nordland Norway
NAL North Arlesbury fictional with elements of Portugal
ODL Omdalia fictional
RAG Ragora Bulgaria and North Macedonia
REL Real Portugal and Galicia
RGN Reignière Belgium
REI Reitanna fictional with elements of Spain
REP Republicca fictional
RKL Rienklai fictional
SAK Sakartvelo Georgia minus South Ossetia
SLO Salo Finland
SHK Shkipia Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina
SOB Sobora Serbia and Montenegro
SOL Solenial fictional with elements of Portugal and the Netherlands
SAL South Arlesbury fictional
SRB Sri Britain fictional
SWI Swilatia Poland
TRN Tarania fictional
TKS Turkestan Turkey
ULD Underlands Netherlands
VAL Valeria Switzerland and Liechtenstein
VYR Vydoria fictional
WLS Wales Wales

Bulungi[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
ACA Acaria fictional with elements of Cape Verde
AKA Akania Ghana
APH Aphasena Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti
ASR Asrael Israel
ASY Assyria Syria
BHR Bahari fictional
BQR Baqar Qatar and Bahrain
BGO Bogo Togo and Gabon
BGD Buganda Uganda
BPH Bophatswana Botswana
COU Cabo Ouro Cape Verde
CRI Cameroon River Cameroon
COR Côte d'Or Ivory Coast
DKR Dakaria Senegal
EQG Equatorial Giana Equatorial Guinea
FTQ Frantaque Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo
GIA Giana Guinea-Conakry
GGR Giana Gravana Guinea-Bissau
GUB Gubhat Kuwait
HYP Hypia Libya
HUA Huamba Angola
IRT Irat Iraq minus Kurdistan
KAR Karasa fictional
KDS Kurdistan Iraqi Kurdistan
MGH Maghrebia Morocco and Mauritania
MRK Marrakenya Mozambique
MAU Mauricia Maldives and Seychelles
MCZ Mechazena fictional
NAG Nagar Niger
NGR Nagaria Nigeria
NLB Namu Labaki fictional with elements of Angola and Namibia
NRI New Reitanna fictional with elements of Equatorial Guinea
ORD Ordony Jordan
PBS Pombestan fictional
QFR Qafar Tunisia
RHO Rhodesia Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi
STA Saint Thomas and Annobon São Tomé and Príncipe
RSB South Bulungi South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland
TGR Tangier Algeria
TTR Tentoria Tanzania
TES Tesopo fictional
TOM Tomalia Somalia minus Somaliland
TML Tomaliland sovereign Somaliland
UME United Mussulmenian Emirates United Arab Emirates + Oman
WAJ Wajichazi Kenya

Sondria[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
AOS Aoshi fictional
ARQ Arqapstan Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan
BED Bedu Republic fictional
BEN Bengalia Bangladesh
CHI Chichetya fictional with elements of Sri Lanka, Thailand and Laos
DAE Daehan South Korea
DAR Daristan Afghanistan
HDL Hindolania Indonesia
HIN Hindustan India
IQT Iqtumenia fictional
IGK Ishigaki fictional
JOS Joseon North Korea
KZH Kaizhung People's Republic of China
KPC Kampuchea Cambodia
KRC Karachistan Pakistan
KHP Khapral Nepal and Bhutan
LEN Lenapore Singapore
LOR Loso Republic fictional with elements of Myanmar
MAL Malaya Malaysia and Brunei
MLU Malayanese Union fictional with elements of the Maldives
MCH Manchuria historical Manchuria with some Japanese Manchukuo in democratic rule
MON Mongolia Mongolia
NOS Nosghel Philippines
OMW Omawate fictional
ORI Orience Japan
PER Persia Iran
RAW Rangwon fictional with elements of the Ryukyu Islands
RIS Rissoma fictional with elements of Bhutan
ROZ Rozekistan Uzbekistan
SEN Sennam Vietnam
SLK Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
TAN Tangwa fictional with elements of Thailand and Cambodia
TAZ Tazbekistan Tajikistan
TIM Timor East Timor
XWN Xiaowan sovereign Taiwan
YAN Yaniko fictional

Northulia[edit | edit source]

Code Name Equivalent
BNG Bukua New Giana Papua New Guinea
FIG Figi Fiji
GSC Great Scorria fictional with elements of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands
HAM Hamuas Samoa
HRU Haruatu Vanuatu
HON Honga Tonga
NMI New Michillies New Zealand
NOR Northulia Australia
PWN Porowon fictional
RLU Ralau Palau
TAV Tavengu Tuvalu and Kiribati
ULT Ulteria Largely inspired by fictional countries from the Spanish Uncyclopedia (Tuvalu Ulterior and Tuvalu Citerior)

Overseas territories and disputed areas[edit | edit source]