Charisma Islands Television

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Charisma Islands Television (CITV) is the government-run television channel of the Reitannan overseas territory of the Charisma Islands. Founded in 1968 as an RBC-led service, it currently belongs to the Charisma Islands Broadcasting Corporation.

History[edit | edit source]

RBC Charisma Islands began operating on June 20, 1968. It was built by technicians from mainland Reitanna on a journey to operate a television service to one third of the Charisman population. Programming included News and Documentaries newsreels, recorded shows from the RBC airing on a delay and propaganda in favor of Francis Frank. Programming was in English, Charisman and Rotuman, and most of the English-language programming was sourced from the RBC.

By November 1968, RBC Charisma Islands was also affected by the local instability and the secessionist movement. Local programming started to disobey the mainland standards and in 1969 was accused of racism. An ownership scandal erupted over who was broadcasting the service: Loughborough's RBC or the Charisman government. Reitannan workers left the service and the channel's dispute continued. Under the new administration, they renamed the service as Charisma Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), but these broadcasts stopped in 1973. RBC stopped providing services to the territory.

The service wasn't re-established until 1979, under the curent name Charisma Islands Television, and using color equipment bought in from Northulia. RBC technicians also assisted in the building of the new service.

Programming[edit | edit source]

Programming is provided in English and Charisman.