Channel 14 April Fool's Day pranks

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Channel 14 has been notorious for its April Fool's Day pranks. They grew in popularity around the turn of the millennium and in the 2010s and are still talked about nowadays. Some of these pranks even materialized.

2000[edit | edit source]

A simulcast with Channel A was made. The stunt started at 20:00 and ended at 22:00.

2005[edit | edit source]

As part of The Friday Show, AJ from Soupstock took over.

2011[edit | edit source]

Nuri Evenstar from Nuristar took over. That evening's programming consisted of reruns of miscellaneous episodes of Nuristar but with creator's commentary straight from the DVDs.

2012[edit | edit source]

The entirety of its primetime slot was occupied by the surprise comeback of Soundophone, after three and a half years of absence.

2013[edit | edit source]

Channel 14 said that "it would buy all of Flarland, including our sister channels".

2017[edit | edit source]

For April Fool's Day 2017, Channel 14 was programmed by Ajakoo Johnson-Roberts under the special name Glitch X.

Primetime programming from 20:00 to 00:00 was curated by him. Soundophone was pre-empted on both it and Radio Active.

2019[edit | edit source]

Primetime programming was replaced by Flarlandian anime parody Super Sensation Go For The.

2020[edit | edit source]

Glitch X resumed its service in 2020, however an unforeseen technical glitch at 21:00 had forced Channel 14 to revert to its own bug. The bug returned at 22:58.

2021[edit | edit source]

2022[edit | edit source]

Third year of Glitch X