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Cantonia is a sovereign country that in eastern Sondria, bordering the People's Republic of Kaizhung and that harbors a capitalist republic occupying the area of Shangzhen, Hang Peng and Caima that was the result of the victory of the Hang Peng Separatist Movement in January 2019.

History[edit | edit source]

The founding of the HPSM in 2014 was a consequence of "the problems Hang Peng will encounter among people of future generations". The protests were amplified by a series of trade conflicts between the SARs and the People's Republic of Kaizhung. The call for action demanded a sovereign country for all Cantonese in South Kaizhung that was considered to be "democratic".

On May 31, 2019, a solemn cerimony was held in Shangzhen, the capital of the future Federal Republic of Cantonia. At midnight, the new Cantonian flag was raised and the new national anthem was played for the first time. There was some tension between it and Kaizhung but eventually relations slightly accelerated within a few days of the country's founding. Nonetheless, despite good relations there is a metaphorical "wall" that divides Cantonia from Kaizhung.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Cantonia has its own capitalist approach on the former Kaizhungese "one country, two systems" regime. Aside from there being two separate regional systems, they're both under the capitalist regime. The first system refers to Cantonia proper and the second refers to Hang Peng and Caima.

The legislative body of Cantonia is the Cantonian Parliament with 250 representatives. Hang Peng and Caima have their own, small-scale parliaments.

Both systems are composed of three branches:

  • Executive: The Chief Executive is responsible for enforcing regional law, can force reconsideration of legislation, and appoints Executive Council members and principal officials. Acting with the Executive Council, the Chief Executive-in-Council can propose new bills, issue subordinate legislation, and has authority to dissolve the legislature. In states of emergency or public danger, the Chief Executive-in-Council is further empowered to enact any regulation necessary to restore public order.
  • Legislature: The unicameral Legislative Council enacts regional law, approves budgets, and has the power to impeach a sitting Chief Executive.
  • Judiciary: The Court of Final Appeal and lower courts interpret laws and overturn those inconsistent with the Basic Law. Judges are appointed by the Chief Executive on the advice of a recommendation commission.

The Chief Executive is the head of government and serves for a maximum of two five-year terms. The State Council (led by the Federal President of Cantonia) appoints the Chief Executive after nomination by the Election Committee, which is composed of 1,600 business, community, and government leaders.

International relations[edit | edit source]

Despite initial criticism, Cantonia is in a good standing with the People's Republic of Kaizhung and still imports most of its goods. The country is also in good relations with Lenapore, Northulia, Daehan, Xiaowan, Orience, Ishigaki, Northulia, Flarland and Hopeland.

Media[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

CBC operates six television channels, drawing upon some of the services formerly offered by KCTV:

  • CBC 1 (general)
  • CBC 2 (news)
  • CBC 3 (entertainment)
  • CBC 4 (knowledge)
  • CBC 5 (sports)
  • CBC 6 (kids)

It is also responsible for relays of KCTV-1 under a special feed for Cantonia. It also relays Hunan and Canton TV from Kaizhung.

Shangzhen Television is the de facto national commercial channel, competing against Cantonia Open TV.

Hang Peng and Caima have their own television broadcasters, respectively TVB, Fantastic TV and RTHP for Hang Peng and TDC and VPC for Caima. TVB reportedly has an 80% share within Hang Peng, it is also carried in the rest of Cantonia on cable and satellite and neighboring areas of Kaizhung (subject to state censorship).

All Cantonian terrestrial television channels are required to play the Cantonian anthem at least up to three times a day, at the start and end of the day's schedules and before the main news. The playing of the Cantonian anthem before the news is a stronghold of the Kaizhungese era, where the [[March of the Volunteers|PRK's anthem was played before the main news.