Camp North

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Camp North was a Flarlandian website that was active in many capacities between 2002 and 2010. The website was infamous for competing against Requiem of Whirlplash and had a mostly intermittent run.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding and first phase[edit | edit source]

Camp North was created as a side effect of tribalism among members of Requiem of Whirlplash in June 2002. Extant members were complaining about the new upload system (relinquished in August of the same year) for Macromedia Flash animators and art creators. Over the summer, Michael Stephens created Camp North, still in its experimental phase.

Camp North oficially opened on September 30, 2002, with a few Flash animations submitted in the weeks of its experimental phase, an art section (Arts Central) and a forum. Within days, Requiem of Whirlplash cried fowl over the name "Arts Central" and the website's interface. On October 6, its interface was changed.

By the time of its first anniversary, Camp North had started to gather about 1000 users, still a fraction as much as the amount of users Requiem of Whirlplash had (about 10000). In October 2003, a census was made and one of the options was "Do you have a RoW account". 85 users said that they had one and later justified that they were spying on Row-related activities. This led to the Jaden-DeMarco Affair.

Jaden-DeMarco Affair[edit | edit source]

Lincoln Jaden and Jason DeMarco, two Sierran users of RoW, were involved in a massive scandal that hurt Camp North's reputationN.