Caledonian Television

Page last edited 1,265 days ago
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Caledonian Television is a commercial television channel in Saria, operated by the Caledonian Media Corporation. CTV, similarly to what Four TSN does in Nashland, is a "public commercial" broadcaster.

As the management of Caledonian Television™ we would like to make it clear that we have NO idea what this RUBBISH is about! - the REAL Caledonian Television™ is a Scottish production company, first set up in 1986 - registered and run from Scotland (i.e Caledonia) and still owned and run by it's founder!!!

RandomMe98's Right to Reply[edit | edit source]

(Information correct as of April 14, 2021, time of writing)

Actually I wasn't aware that there was a production company with the same name. First, this is for a fictional roleplay world, where Saria is supposed to be an independent Scotland. Second, I took the name from a set of mocks that used to be on the now-defunct Afternoon Programmes Follow Shortly - first created in 2003, depicting a third channel in an independent Scotland according to Kevin Davies (the same user also made similar things for SBS One and SBS Two) and he wasn't aware of that. Third, I wasn't even expecting any of the staff to be here in the first place!

I'll have to repeat the disclaimer from the main page just for clarity:

"All texts, images, videos, data and other media are part of a fictional world and have nothing to do with reality, so any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence. This is just a non-profit hobby and we do not want to offend or infringe copyright on any company, association or real-life person."