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Caima (鏡茂, Cantonese: geng3 mau6, Mandarin: Jìngmào), officially the Caima Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of Kaizhung, is an autonomous territory on the western side of the Pearl River estuary in East Sondria. Caima is bordered by the city of Suqiu in Mainland Kaizhung to the north and the Pearl River Delta to the east and south. Hang Peng lies about 64 kilometres (40 mi) to its east across the Delta. With a population of 777,859 living in an area of 30.5 km2 (11.8 sq mi), it is the most densely populated region in the world. A former Realese colony, it was returned to Kaijungese sovereignty on 20 December 1999.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Realese Caima[edit | edit source]

Transfer of sovereignty and SAR status[edit | edit source]

Influence of the HPSR[edit | edit source]

The rise of the Hang Peng Separatist Movement has led to Caima either become a sovereign country or a part of Hang Peng.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Media[edit | edit source]

Main article: Media of Caima