CNN Flarland

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CNN Flarland is a news channel owned by Ten Media Group under a licensing agreement with WarnerMedia, acting as a local branch of CNN. The channel started operations as the Ten News Network on February 26, 2009 and was renamed CNN Flarland on November 22, 2021.

History[edit | edit source]

Channel Ten wanted to start a news channel as early as 2002, the previous year, it applied for a number of cable and satellite licenses, including one for a Ten Business channel. At the time Channel Ten ran a late-night business segment called Ten-FT Business (as the FBC's contract with Financial Times ended) and it was possible for a Flarlandian-backed business channel to start its operations. The licenses were put on freeze and hold until 2006, when they were unilaterally rejected by the regulators.

In 2008 the government greenlighted a Ten-backed news channel, with a Freeview license, and the name Ten News Network. An initial launch date was set for February 20, 2009, but due to a number of factors (including the supposed misfortune of launching the channel on a Friday, despite falling on Ten's 44th anniversary) it was delayed to February 26 early in February.

Programming[edit | edit source]

Controversies[edit | edit source]