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Bensonia is a country in South Sierra.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The country's name is derived from Lord Benson.

History[edit | edit source]

Ancient history[edit | edit source]

It is believed that modern-day Bensonia was inhabited by indigenous people from the far south, who had arrived from the former land bridge during the ice age. However, as the years went on, the western fringes of the modern-day Bensonia were occupied by the Inca Empire, who were already expanding around much of the western coast of South Sierra.

In the early 16th century, when Eurectipherian powers had colonized tiny parts of the Caraiban (with Castille colonizing what we now know as the Bahaddies, Kanti and the Caraiban Republic), the lack of belief at the time of the existence of lands further south let them believe that there was no way to continue the process. However, as Castille became aware of the Mayan empire and city-states in what is now central Huasco and set foot on Tierra Firme (now part of Napión), the battle for the expansion of colonization had led to a standstill regarding the possible deaths of indigenous people and the potential trade deals.

Castillan rule[edit | edit source]

By the time Castille had colonized much of South Sierra, it announced a plan to divide itself into four new colonies: New Sierra, New South Caraibas, New Inca and New Atlantean. The claimed lands were now a part of New Inca, who had lost much of its indigenous populace to the Castillan Empire. The Spanish language was now commonplace rather than Quechua, and the territory was known for its cacao and coffee reserves that it shared with other colonies and later the rest of the world.

Competition[edit | edit source]

By the second half of the 17th century, colonists from various Anglophone states (North Arlesbury, Reitanna and the Michillies) started invading Castillan territories, in violation of the Treaty of Macagopes. The situation that favored the Michillians, led in the conquered territories to an adaptation to a new culture, political system and economical system. This process was known as "De la lengua española a the English language", and ran from 1665 to 1700. However, the conversion wasn't finished until the late 19th century.

North Arlesburian dominance[edit | edit source]

Migration waves from North Arlesbury hit both sides of the settlements (Atlantean and Northulic) in 1680, 1696 and 1712. The population in these settlements tripled and control was unilaterally handed over to North Arlesbury. The Reitannans left South Sierra and the Michillians further south to what is now Hopeland.

The Condominium[edit | edit source]

Lord Benson arrived to Grand Rapids in January 1817 and claimed the land as his, but this infuriated the North Arlesburian colonists in the yet-unnamed Northulic Settlements. A compromise was reached on May 13, 1817 where the territory became a condominium between North Arlesbury and the Michillies. The name Bensonia wouldn't be adopted for a few more years.

Independent empire[edit | edit source]

Birth of a Republic[edit | edit source]

Military dictatorship[edit | edit source]

Direct elections[edit | edit source]

SAATMO, new democracy[edit | edit source]

In February 1989 the Bensonian government established the Special Associated Act of Treaty for Mutual Ordinance (SAATMO) that put an official end to a quarter century of military dictatorship, after being a false one since 1984.

Political instability[edit | edit source]

Robert James was elected president of Bensonia in 2014, the former host of Burton TV's The Apprentice replaced the string of Laborist governments that started in 2002 with the two Samuel Lilienkamp administrations. However due to accusations of libel he was impeached in 2016 and replaced by Stuart Albertson as an interim. In 2018 the BSLP candidate Michael Neels won the presidential election.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Bensonia is divided into ten states and the federal capital.

Flag Abbreviation Name Capital Population
GR Grand Rapids Grand Rapids 17.537.493
GS Galveston Galveston 10.398.598
SW Solway Wide Horizon 18.563.536
HK Hanka 4.209.147
NO Northern Saint Helen 10.958.205
CL Cleveland 1.093.399
NF Norfolk Hampton 4.509.198
QL Queensland Wide Bay 8.109.409
WA Warang Camden 7.284.398
SO Southern Benedict 7.554.857
FD Bensonian Federal District Bensonland 749.051

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Bensonia is currently the third most-populated country in South Sierra, with over 60 million people, around 100 million less than Hopeland and nearly 150 million less than Vera Cruz. It is around 8 to 9 million above Mérida, the largest Spanish-speaking country.

English is the dominant language in Bensonia, with Quechuan languages being at a minority, spoken by less than two percent of the population. Many people take Spanish classes at school, due to the influence of the language in the continent.

Media[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Media of Bensonia, Radio in Bensonia, Television in Bensonia

Most of the media industry is controlled by the Sentry Organization.