Atlantican Journey

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Atlantican Journey is an authorized crossover episode of Ketogene with Disney's The Little Mermaid, featuring a series of changes to the canon. In it, Cody and Keto's families go to Atlantica, the kingdom where much of The Little Mermaid is set, on vacation, while they try to adapt to Atlantica's hostile climate.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Changes from the TLM canon[edit | edit source]

Basic plot[edit | edit source]

It's a normal day at Cody's room. Bored, he spends hours upon hours writing on his notebook about potential undersea journeys. He suddenly receives a message from Keto saying that King Triton (of Atlantica) has invited Keto's family and the "human dwellers" Keto shares his life in Albany. King Triton offers them a chance to tell about human life and Cody's family unilaterally agrees upon it. Cody later turns on the security systems and the entire family, including Bagheera and Kahoot, enter Cody's portal to Keto's room. All merpeople, they end up tired and are later sent to the transport device. Keto, King Ato, Akwana and Freddie were also invited.

As the trip proceeded, Cody's family members, despite high on amenities provided by Keto, are very tired and end up sleeping in the seats. When they reach Atlantica, only King Ato and a slightly woozy Cody are aware.

With everyone wide awake, they glance at Triton's Palace with such beauty and are waiting for the royal appointment. Shania, who is always low on self-esteem, looks at Ariel, who she believes to be her complete opposite. As King Triton appears, King Ato and Cody's dad hold their hands, being aware that Cody's family isn't a family of monarchs. Cody and Cory were stoked about the possibility of exploring Atlantica, however Cory had some speed issues.

Before going to sleep, Cody's family talked about their basic everyday life in the surface world: the scientist father has been studying about the possible links between the two worlds, leading to a confused Triton. The rest of the family was considered run-of-the-mill until Cody revealed that his family had immortality powers and that they become merpeople upon touching seawater.

Development[edit | edit source]

Unlike many fans of The Little Mermaid, Jamani Rockson was more fond of the television series rather than the movie. The series was constantly being played on the Kingson channel (back then a cable network) at least once a day in 2003, ten years before the special premiered, more because of the lore around Atlantica.

Critical reception[edit | edit source]