Ashtalaic people

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The Ashtalaic people are a human and merman ethnic group native but not exclusive to the the insular Ashtalaian subcontinent, with further people found in smaller islands along the Atlantean Ocean.

History[edit | edit source]

It is known that the first Ashtalaic people migrated from North Sierra who in turn came from Sondria when the continents were linked during the Ice Age around 13,000 years ago. A few millennia later, the ethnic group, concentrated in the far north of the island, decided to expand southward, around the same time Triton moved north, became a merman and initiated the merman race. Due to the growing proto-merculture and the spread of the merman race, the settlers grew.

While initially life on the island was lawless, the tribe of the Sea People made explorations along the coast to tame the local wildlife, establish societies and, a feat made by merpeople, swim to non-continguous parcels of land to expand territory. As the years went on, another tribe, the Tree People, settled upon breeding and creating merpeople near the rivers. The first Ashtalaic civilized city-state, Aki-Aho, was built in 4000BC. Meanwhile the merpeople swam further and further into the Sierran, Bulungian and Eurectipherian continents by settling on land, with reports of mermen reaching the east coast of what is now Hopeland around 3500BC, and spread the merman race to all other ethnicities of the world at the time. These explorers were known as the Wanderers, and explored on land through the vast subcontinent and at sea to find the so-called Atlantis. The most famous of the Wanderers was Alahan, who named a tribe after himself, and his name is the Hayastelari word for "wander". In order to avoid ethnic conflicts with the Tree People, the Wanderers tried to go to the coast.

Humans tried to master the technology to spread their genes to other parts of the world. They settled as far north as the territories now claimed by Flarland (Henleys, Eumoritown and Yawnaro) and further south (to the now-sovereign Wa). There even were pockets of land claimed by said people along he cost of modern Hopeland. The human and merman genes were now considered separate, and the ancient cultures were spread, however the Wanian culture was now known for its relative isolation and conservation of the old culture.

As the years went on, the Ashtalaic people developed more individual cultures. These cultures were divided among numerous boundaries that would influence the creation of modern Ashtalaic nation-states. One such example is Ashtalaia, after the central culture, whose initial purpose was to create an Ashtalaic superstate but was confined to the central inland.

Types of genes[edit | edit source]

Cultures[edit | edit source]

Ancient cultures[edit | edit source]

The ancient cultures are primarily evident on land in Yawnaro in these days. These cultures are mostly minimalistic in nature and are mostly organized by kings. This kind of culture, as evident in the Yawnaroan culture has raised a new interest in recent years.

Middle cultures[edit | edit source]

Modern cultures[edit | edit source]

Modern Ashtalaic countries are mostly divided upon country claims. The countries that claim the Island of Ashtalaia (technically a subcontinent) are currently Flarland, Ashtalaia, Omdalia and Vydoria.