Asanang language

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The Asanang language, also spelt A'sanang according to 2011 orthographical conventions, is a Rerelengian language spoken in two counties of the southern Pakifas by the Asanang people. Like most smaller regional languages it's usage has been decreasing largely due to the imposition of the Two Official Language Policy of 1984, more Asanangs have been speaking Pakifan rather than their native language, declining from its former apex of 1.200 speakers in 1960 to just 500 within 50 years. Most speakers are now mostly bilingual, due to Pakifan policies imposed in the past, privileging Pakifan and English over regional tongues.

Phonology and orthography[edit | edit source]

  • Vowels: A, A' (æ), E, I, O, U
  • Consonants: P, T, K, M, N, R, S, NG (ŋ)

Orthographical history[edit | edit source]

Before 1990, NG was written as G, prompting confusion from many linguists. This was the only language where the NG language was simply written as G, since many indigenous languages in the Pakifas, including the Pakifan language, have the /g/ sound. Between 1990 and 2011 it was written Q, yet the language was still written as Asanag in many official documents.