Arrow Waterman

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Arrow Waterman is a Flarlandian mermaid and Khyber Waterman's sister.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Arrow was born on November 14, 1989 (not coincidentally the Sierran release date of Disney's The Little Mermaid) somewhere west of Darwinia in the sea. About a week before her birth, Khyber and Rhett traveled to the birthplace. At birth, Arrow was basically a "mermaid of few words". About a week later, following intense travel and adaptation, Arrow arrived to Rhett and Khyber's house. Since they weren't ready, Arrow was forced to share a bed with Khyber.

In her first few weeks of life, Arrow slowly assimilated herself with human culture. Most of her knowledge of English came from television, particularly the news. This led to education lessons from Rhett and Khyber, and Arrow listening to Khyber's works. By 1991, Khyber and Arrow now understood each other.

Works[edit | edit source]

Music[edit | edit source]

Radio[edit | edit source]

Comics[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]