Araka World Cup

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The Araka World Cup is an international event promoted by the International Araka Federation (IAraF), headquartered in Rangeedu, the capital of the Xalxas Autonomy.

It was created following the massification of the sport in Lenaporean and, subsequently, international mainstream media.

History[edit | edit source]

As Lenapore's national araka federation was set up in 2014 to assist the growing popularity of the Xalxan culture and the sport itself, other countries began to examine the rules of araka. Nosghel was the first foreign nation interested in having its own federation, registering it in November 2014, followed by Northulia, the Malayanese Union, Hopeland, the Michillies and Great Scorria.

By 2016, the IAraF had twenty members. The high number of members at the IAraF (by their standards) has led to the president of the federation John Takaddi intervene in a session and create the concept of the Araka World Cup. Sixteen nations would compete in the innaugural event, held in the Xalxas Autonomy, so as to raise international awareness of the sport.

The Araka World Cup is biannual.

Editions[edit | edit source]

2018 Araka World Cup