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ART 1 is the main channel of Ashtalaian Radio and Television. Broadcasts started in 1954. Today it's the second most-viewed television channel, just behind Your TV.

History[edit | edit source]

As early as 1938, the Astalaian Radio Corporation was interested in starting an experimental television station, and looked after a station conducted by the Vilvek Technical University. The tests started in February 1938 and were halted in 1940 due to a lack of equipment derived from the side effects of the war.

By the late 1940s, ART optioned to start its service on its own rather than depending on the Vilvek Technical University, for that purpose, in September 1949, upon hearing news of the building of the FBC's television service, decided to learn about the feasibility of a national television service, using Flarlandian and Sierran help.

Profile[edit | edit source]

ART 1 is a general television channel with a commercial component. Its core viewing audience consists of adults aged 25 and older, yet rarely encompasses viewers under such age range. In the past, children's programming was broadcast here regularly, but moved to other ART channels.

Central to ART 1 is news and current affairs and entertainment.

Until 2018 (with a break in the 2012-15 cycle), ART 1 had the rights to two (later one) weekly UEFA Champions League match at 18:35, generating high numbers of viewership. The rights are now with Your TV.