A&W Restaurants

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One of the world's oldest fast-food chains, founded in 1919 in the United States of Sierra, is currently operating in at least twelve countries. Below is a list of countries where it operates or has ceased operating and gives a detailed overview of the situation by country.

Country Year it started operating Number of restaurants Notes
United States of Sierra 1919 over 650
Keithland 1957 part of another company and doesn't use the same logo as the USS
Hopeland 1958 180
Botojan Islands 1990 2 only Tyntalsyan country where it operates
Muhag 1961 only US territory where it operates
Lenapore 1962 13
Orience 1963 about 30 due to cultural reasons, they can only be found in Okizawa prefecture
Malaya 1963
Tangwa 1963 40
Great Scorria 1966 9
Great Giana 1963 6 Owned directly by the Hopelandian branch
Bedu Republic 1979 2
Khaoland 1983
Hindolania 1985
Bengalia December 15, 2003 7
Country Year it started operating Year it ceased operating Number of restaurants Notes
Kaizhung 1996 2004
Karachistan 2004 unknown 2?
Masria 1998 2006 4
Michillies 1994 1999 5 Chain was "unstable" in Eurectipheria
Northulia 2003 2007
Porowon 1989 2011 2 Left due to terrible conditions

Bengalia[edit | edit source]

Bengalia is the only country where A&W operates restaurants in South Sondria (there used to be Karachistani operations but they were shut down), with seven restaurants, three of them in the capital. They are eclipsed by KFC. This also happens to be related with the high interest for fried chicken in Bengalia.

Great Scorria[edit | edit source]

A&W was the first fast-food chain to set foot in Great Scorria, in 1966.

Nine restaurants currently operate in the country, mostly in western states: Kimberly (4), Ajoe (2), Wade, Bikini, Neptune and Triton (1 each for every state). The latest location is a fourth in Kimberly, taking over a spot formerly claimed by Long John Silver's, who left the Great Scorrian market due to lack of interest. Most of the attendees are Hopelandian expatriates living in the country, and this is particularly seen at the Kimberly branches - despite keeping the "All Sierran Food" slogan as its USS counterpart.

It used to be a dominant fast food chain until the effects of New Democracy winning the 1986 presidential elections had led to the arrival of other chains, especially McDonald's and Burger King, penerating into the then-limited fast food scene. Restaurants used to operate in Kotaro, Kawuro and Senya, but these were dropped beginning in 2005. By 2011, following the shutdown of its operations in Porowon, the Kotaro branch shut down because it wasn't logistically viable. Its current location as part of the tense relations between the two countries might make a return of the chain to the state impossible.

A&W is set to return to the eastern states in 2023, as the situation has been stabilized.

The Great Scorrian branch almost opened a restaurant in the Entol Islands, the plans failed.

Hopeland[edit | edit source]

In-depth article: A&W Restaurants (Hopeland)

The third sovereign country to open an A&W restaurant (and currently the second to hold on to the Sierran branding), the first restaurant was set up in the outskirts of Albany on August 30, 1957. Today the chain is profitable, but is still distant from being on the current Hopelandian fast food Big 3 (in increasing order): Burger King, Pizza Hut and McDonald's. The chain is the seventh-largest in Hopeland, behind those three as well as the local Food Ninja and two other Sierran chains: KFC and Taco Bell. Despite the distance, it is considered to be among the better chains, with better food service. During its height, it was Hopeland's largest fast-food chain. McDonald's only opened in Hopeland in 1963 and A&W under such configuration lost its dominance in the 1980s, witnessing a rebound in the early 2010s.

A&W is operated by A Great Hopelandian Brand LLC. 90% belongs to A Great Sierran Brand (who also oversees Lenaporean operations) and the remaining 10% to local investors. Before the setup of A Great Hopelandian Brand in 2011, the chain belonged to Yum Brands, and was put up to sale at the same time as its USS counterpart. Unlike the USS, the Hopelandian chain was more profitable and up-to-date.

Its mascot has reached cult status in the country, to an extent where it is oddly shipped with Milo Kingson. This is a probable allusion to the fact that some kid zones at A&Ws are always tuned to Kingson. A recent kids' meal deal with Milo Kingson and characters from Ketogene was also proven to be popular.

On social media, it has a second account used for Rooty roleplay. Used to be more active in 2012~2015. The posts include occasional references to "Daddy" (his counterpart in the USS) and the Keithlandian chain being "from another dimension".

The chain observes National Root Beer Float Day on January 11, including special cards made by the crew of Ketogene and Kingson, usually featuring characters from both series. Ketogene characters were added in 2011, in anticipation to its series premiere.

Kaizhung[edit | edit source]

A&W operated in the country between 1996 and 2004.

Keithland[edit | edit source]

Independent operation since 1972. In Hopeland it's at the center of a comical internet "war" calling the Keithlandian branch as a "fake A&W" while in the USS it's considered to be better than the Sierran branches. In tweets from the second Hopelandian account (used as RP for its mascot), references to it are made as the mascot doesn't consider the Keithlandian bear and chain to be "family".

In response to a June 2021 video from a vegan activist in Quérec, Hopelandians reacted to the remarks she had about A&W elsewhere in the world, prompting reactions from Hopelandians that "A&W Keithland is fake", amplifying an extant meme.

Lenapore[edit | edit source]

The chain operates in Lenapore since 1962 - the same year Lenapore got its independence from the joint Malay and colonist governments. The chain had a golden age in the 80s and 90s but closed most of its locations outside of Lenapore City. Between 2001 and 2003, the chain was operated by its Malayan licensor, KUB, by then there were five restaurants, and only one outside of Lenapore City as a state. It was sold to Total Foods Pte Ltd, notorious for bringing the ephemerous Hopelandian chain XS to the country, leading to a doubling of the number of restaurants. By the time the chain got a "resurgence" in the United States, the number of restaurants doubled somewhat. The latest restaurant to open was the Jongi Airport restaurant in April 2019, with an emphasis on items on menus from other Sondrian countries and Hopeland. Since the chain's renaissance, they are taking more of a Hopelandian approach than the Sierran, even though the Jongi Airport branch is owned by the Sierran operations as one of the five restaurants they directly own, here acting as an international hub for new products.

Michillies[edit | edit source]

A&W's worst market was in the Michillies, a location that was considered problematic due to the effects of Sierranization in its economy. Nobody in the Michillies was used to root beer, as said beverage was considered to be "unattractive" to Eurectipherian tastes. One of the locations, itself the last one as of the time of closure in December 1998, was in an unattractive part of a decrepit mall in Launceston. Employees weren't happy and expatriates complained about the quality of the food.

Following its closure in the Michillies, it had co-branded restaurants with KFC in Nashland, Saria and Hartung (Hartung had restaurants before but only in US military bases). These operations didn't last long.

In 2018, rumors circulated online that the Hopelandian branch would open locations in the Michillies, but these turned out to be false.

Northulia[edit | edit source]

Operated in the 2000s. Closed in at least 2007. No return under the new administration will be planned.

Nosghel[edit | edit source]

First operated between 1963 and 2003. Reopened in April 2019. Currently it operates ten restaurants. Two of the restaurants (both in Lasgahore) are owned by the Sierran chain, who also oversees Lenaporean operations.

Porowon[edit | edit source]

The chain operated in Porowon until 2011. The shutdown was an apparent response to the Great Scorrian branch considering the far eastern state of Kotaro to have "zero opportunity" due to Porowonians stealing food from it. There were two locations at closing time. There were rumors regarding its return in 2013, but they were later scrapped.

United States of Sierra[edit | edit source]

The chain emerged in 1919 and in its initial decade was operating in the southwestern states. The chain lost relevance by the end of the 20th century and rebounced under new administration in the 2010s under A Great Sierran Brand, LLC. The chain mainly operates in smaller cities.